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cherub said:
This yankee joe fella just doesnt give up does he..nightmare..i would leave it .you know its a sunglow...thats all that matters..and joe ..dont reply cause you talk ****e man. no offence like! ........i will consider myself banned!

A Florida yankee? :shrugs:

I'm still waiting on the link to your published book, sweetheart.
"you know its a sunglow...thats all that matters"

That is how you talk to a kid when it needs to be comforted though he is not right.... " You know you have an invisible friend, that is all that matters" :rolleyes:
cherub said:
if your in sweden it maybe knob...in uk its nob! get it "SWEETIE"

How naïve of you to assume that my current location has anything whatsoever to do with my nationality nor mother tongue.
cherub said:
Diamond geezer..it aint my snake darling..read the complete post...nob!
I'm not a 'geezer' unless something's changed without me noticing...............and I'm sure MY grasp of genetics says that's just not going to happen. I was actually answering nightmare, and I don't like getting called any kind of slang for penis, fyi
cherub said:
if your in sweden it maybe knob...in uk its nob! get it "SWEETIE"

Also, please review your spelling before you press send. :dunce:

Shall I assume that although you are located in the UK you are not a native speaker (and speller) of the Queen's English.

Perhaps you're a what was it again...?...

An 'American Negro wasn't it?? :roflmao:
hana said:
So, if I 'think' my dog is a kangaroo, and call him one I'll have a kangaroo? Awesome! :rolleyes: hana

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :laugh01: :laugh01: :laugh01:

cherub said:

what the.............? "washing machine rider" :shrugs:
My, such language from someone who's supposed to be so smart and knowledgeable and all...

We understand if you don't like to be called out on something you obviously don't know, but honestly, is it really a reason for such a filthy mouth? ;)

cherub said:
This yankee joe fella just doesnt give up does he..
wow, I can't think of a greater insult, unless you mention that he's a graduate of the University of Florida. Go Gators! :grin01:

........i will consider myself banned!
I, for one, hope you don't get banned. Sometimes we kitties need a ball of yarn like you.

cherub said:
Hey Washing Machine Rider..shut The F Uck Up!

sorry..........sweet little innocent angel. i warned you to just go to another thread, but after those last few posts, i don't think you will be welcome back here anymore. not sure if there are any more snake forums out there that are both knowledgible AND accept potty mouths.........but before you get banned, what is a "washing machine rider"? thanks.
awww Cherub, did I make you mad? I'm ever so sorry, and I hope you can find it in your 'big' heart to forgive me.

How am I going to live with myself..? :grin01:

Hana..please excuse me ..as you have gathered i have trouble seeing clearly as i cant ditinguish amel from sunglow..i was jus wondering if that is a picture of you at the computer just the
<------------------..you seem to be quite knowledgable..
On behalf of all people born in the late 1950's, please accept my apologies.

We're not all this cantankerous, rude, passive/aggressive, and vile.

Well, not all the time. :)


p.s. - oh, and just outright stupid, either.
Jazz..this is the only bit of pussy your likely to have unless of course either you or your boyfriend are going for the op!