Clint Boyer said:I'm not condemning him at all.
He said we should take out the leaders of those countries and organizations. I would just like to know how he plans to do that, being a pacifist.
How can ayone take them out without using force?
Not condemning, I'd just like to know how it's done.
Had to work and couldnt reply right away.. Dand nailed it, you cant take out the leaders without more retaliation. Human beings have too much pride, we retaliate! We cant help it, it is a natural instinct, just like waggling your finger in front of your snakes face, one of these times it will retaliate and bite you.
If you really wanted to get down to it, to take out a leader without retaliation the assassin would have to be, for example, An american to kill Bush, an Islamic to kill Bin Laden, etc. When Oswald shot Kenedy, if he actually did but im not getting into that, who is there to retaliate against asside from the person. He was a Citizen of the united states. However if you were to organize a massive assination attempt by organizing all those different peoples to take out their own leaders, you are thus creating another terrorist or freedomist group, depending on which side of the fence you stand on.
Thus it is impossible, a double edged sword if you will, or the perverbial snake eating its own tail but will never let go, whichever metephore you like better. As fo people not understanding my opinion or position, most of the time I dont understand it. Like with religion, I belive in a God but I dont believe in organized or denominized religion. How can I be involved with, or believe in something that people will kill their own neighbour over because of a different belief system. Wars are fought for this reason and currently being fought now! So anyone who doesnt understand where I stand, dont worry, I dont know either.
What I do know for certain is that peace is war! We will never be able to obtain peace without having to kill somebody for it. That will be our downfall.
I know it sounds really pesimistic, but look around you, our world right now is a war zone. We might not be here to see the final destruction of our race, but I would bet money on that rather than world peace, I will never bet on an oxymoron.
Sorry, kind of long but I wanted to clarify myself. Thanks for letting me rant!