My Tessera is in the Tessera Breeding Club
He is a Tessera with hets, but they are unknown, so testing him out was my main goal with him this year. Since Tesseras are new and very popular, and caused by a dominant gene, I used hiim to bred to several females that double clutched this year.
Here are a few of his recent breedings: Anery Motley het Striped Amel ph Lava, Caramel Bloodred ph Hypo, Lava Okeetee het Amel, Lava Lavender and Lava Okeetee het Anery ph Lavender.
He has also been bred to, and good eggs produced from, Caramel het Lava, Striped Blue, RedCoat Frase Bloodred, Bloodred het Lavender ph Hypo Charcoal, Amel Striped het Anery and Striped Lavender.
He has been tested for Amel, Anery, Bloodred, Caramel, Dilute, Lava, Lavender, Motley, RedCoat and Striped for sure and possibly Hypo and Charcoal. I am really hoping that I produce some Tessera Morphs this year!