Wow, Nice Tessera Sunkissed!
10,001 views, that is pretty incredible too.
I have had three clutches of Tessera hatch so far, and my Tessera has proven to be at least het for Anery, from a Tessera hets ??? X Striped Blue. A Tessera Anery het Striped Dilute from that clutch is in the first photo.
The second photo is a Tessera from a breeding to a Caramel het Lava female, and is a Tessera het Caramel ph Ice. I have a third clutch hatching now from a Striped Amel het Anery from the Champagne line. I have to say that the Tessera clutches are very interesting indeed.
There seems to be some interesting tag along genes, either from my Tessera or possibly from a Silverqueen breeding that is acting simular to Dilute.