Tessera het Sunkisssed Okeetee 50% ph SG
Meh...I still prefer Ts with a perfect stripe. :shrugs:
I can’t say that I don’t love the perfect striped ones too. I have a few myself and I will be breeding them to Okeetees to make sure their striping stays perfect. I think even the Okeetee colors can be produced in Reverse Aztec, like this beautiful girl. Perhaps just like good Stripes can be made better by breeding them to Okeetee lines, Tesseras can be bred true to the original type by breeding them to Okeetee lines. You could say that the original 2.1 Tesseras were Okeetee Tesseras.
I also concur. To me, the tessera is represented by that stripe; the more perfect the stripe the better the tessera.
We don't "show" our snakes like we do other animals but (just like my son showing his poultry this week at the country fair) there are "requirements" of certain morphs/breeds/etc and if I could put a value or "requirement" on tesseras then it would be based on the quality of the stripe; if that makes any sense. (my personal feelings, obviously)
I disagree with this completely. Just because the first Tessera phenotype was described with perfect patterns, doesn’t mean it was it was an accurate description of the gene. They described what they had, Okeetee Tesseras.
My Tessera was produced in F1 from an Okeetee Tess x Silverqueen. These CRAZY patterned Reverse Aztec Okeetee are being produced in F2. Tesseras genetically are by far the most interesting cutting edge morph we have right now. Since the gene is dominant, it doubles what we see each generation. You could say that I am in the equivalent of recessive F4 generations already with Tesseras, in only two years.
I think Tessera is a wonderful genetic window into the genes we already have in our Corns. It doubles the focus on some genes that we just couldn’t quite figure out before. Do you really think Motley patterns are so different just because they “vary”. We have a Motley pattern similar to the original Tessera pattern, and we have a lot of other very cool Motley patterns. It is pretty obvious Tessera is going to be the same way, except the patterns are even CRAZIER and perfect.
The breeding that produced this girl was Tessera het Ghost x Kathy Love Sunkissed het SG. Yes, I am even testing my Tessera for SG. Especially since he is from a Silverqueen and Sunkissed Silverqueens exist. I have too much invested in my Tessera to let SG slip in this way.
This test clutch produced 19 hatchlings with NO SG present. I am going to adopt this Tessera het Sunkissed ph SG and breed her to a homo SG when she is grown to prove her out. All offspring from SG test are culled, with the few exceptions that are raised up to be tested out.
You may like perfect striped Tesseras as I do, but I happen to love these Reverse Aztez Tesseras too. This one looks like it is going to have Okeetee coloration with an extremely cool Aztec Pattern. I have always really liked aztec patterns on Corns, but none were ever quite good enough. These are good enough!