Joe I'm completely confused. I come from Ball Python knowledge, and as you may know there are a ton of co-dominant / dominant morphs. So how can a corn be het Tessera if it is dominant or co-dominant? I have never seen or heard of anyone explaining the inter workings of a Spider ball, pastel ball, etc... by saying thats a het Spider or thats a het pastel? You cannot because they are not het for those traits, they are dominant. I know I don't fully understand genetics thats why I'm asking.
To be honest with you, I tried like hell at one time to get on Boa and Python forums and really explain what they were really seeing genetically, but a few years ago, they had many of the morphs identified, but really didn’t have a clue how they were getting them.
The egos in the Boa and Python worlds were too big for me, and they ran me off, and I left willingly. They are slowly but surely figuring it out. I haven’t looked in for quite some time now. I got tired of breeding rabbits and chickens, and needing a warehouse for my Boids anyway, so I switched completely to Corns. You can apply Corn Snake SOLUTIONS we have discovered to the genetics of Boas and Pythons, and they work.
Super, and T+ are Boa and Python World Jargon, that are just HYPE, for Homo dominant mutants and Hypo mutants, plain and simple. I actually do not have a problem with Super, with my Boa background, but I know what it means. It doesn’t mean they are Super Special, they are just a homo co-dominant Mutant, with a different het phenotype, just like our Diffused gene, well sometimes.
Lets use Salmon Boas as an example for Het Salmon. You have never heard anybody talk this way, because most people don’t know the basics, but some of us lowly Corn Snake Breeders are getting pretty good at it. If you breed a Salmon (het Salmon, one Salmon gene and one Normal gene. They are actually het Salmon, Normals, just like Ultramels are Het Ultra and Amel, like Striped Motleys are het Striped and Motley and now Strawberry/Hypos are het Hypo/Straw. Het only means that the genes are different at that locus. Homo means they are the same at that locus.
A Corn Snake het Amel is Het Amel and Normal at the Amel locus. A Salmon boa het Amel, can be Het Salmon and Amel or Homo Salmon and het Amel. As far as I can tell, a het Salmon and homo Salmon look the like the same Salmon phenotype, because it is a dominant and not co-dominant. Phenotype means the way a morph looks. Genotype means its genetic make up.
If you get a hold of a copy of the Cornsnake Morph Guide, and read it enough all of a sudden, it will click in your head and you will have it. It is written for the beginner and the advanced, so his approach may seem odd, but how do you explain simple Corn Snake genetics to those who are just learning. I think he has been trying different approaches and is far better at explaining it than I am.