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The Great Escape!

Slick showed up on my doorstep. He was a bit tired from the flight across the country, but he wanted to say hi to a few of the ladies in the snake room.

First he wanted to see Haven, & find out why she's so popular.

Then he asked to say hi to Mica.

Then he said he wanted to meet a Carpet Python, & chose Jezanna, my IJ juv female, even though I told him she was not very nice. He insisted & I got bit. He promptly agreed that she wasn't the best company.


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Slick saw the ferrets & wanted a closer look.

He checked out Ripley, one of my girls. He wasn't too impressed, too much fur.


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I asked Slick if he wanted to relax in the hot tub, but he said he couldn't swim. I at least got him to sit on the side of the hot tub.


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Then when I was off in another room, I heard a noise in the kitchen, & went to investigate...
You can't leave him unattended, not around alcohol, anyways.
He apparently polished off the last of my wine....I'll let him sleep it off on the counter.


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Hahahaha!! Silly Slick, I was wondering where he was hiding. Looks like he had a blast in PNW!

Maybe he needs to head east...
Well damn, Slick made his way to the Pacific Northwest and now is with nwheather and her crew in a hot tub and drinking himself silly.!

What a snake!! :rofl: