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The Great Escape!

So I thoiught I would introduce Slick to Geno... see if any sparks flew.


On my LOL I so love checking up on Slick's travels. He is an amazing snake. I hope he and Geno get along really Really well!! We need to see some baby Slicks!!!! ;-)
Lenny is wondering if slick is going to travel all over and see how many cs memebers he can visit :) He never stays in one spot for too long!
I just went to go check on Slick and he is GONE!!! ~sigh~ He sure likes to slip out in the middle of the night. Hopefully tho, him and Geno did their business when I wasn't looking. ~fingers crossed~

Good Luck Slick, it is windy and a bit cold here in New Mexico. Hopefully you find somewhere warm soon!
I don't normally check "lost snake" threads as other members are more than capable of handling them, but for some reason, I checked this one out this morning and all I can say is 'WOW!" Slick is one "houdini" of a corn snake to get captured and escape from so many experienced corn keepers! Males with raging hormones will do that, I suppose. I hope he makes it back to Lenny in time for next year's breeding season as I have a suspicion he won't be back any time soon. He's having too much fun right now.
DYK poor slick, so many ladies so little time.
DYAK Fedex just called me, said we must inform you that your package will not arrive until in the morning. Ummm really?
So, I just got home from school, and what do you know... I see a pink thing hanging from the horseshoe over my door... I take a closer look and its Slick!!!

He told me that a little birdy told him that there was a hot female in my house, and he was interested... So I introduced him to Gypsy. They seem to be getting along well... LOL

As soon as my computer will load the pictures I will get them up...
So, I just got home from school, and what do you know... I see a pink thing hanging from the horseshoe over my door... I take a closer look and its Slick!!!

He told me that a little birdy told him that there was a hot female in my house, and he was interested... So I introduced him to Gypsy. They seem to be getting along well... LOL

As soon as my computer will load the pictures I will get them up...

PINK!!! What in the world did those girls do to that poor boy!!

I hope Gypsy can put some man back into him! So..maybe it's just that southern exposure that has him pink!!