Personally, I don't have tattoos, and don't find them sexy. But then, I have been married to the same man for nearly a quarter of a century so there is very little I find sexy anymore anyway!
But I also don't judge, at least I try not to. Especially when it comes to things like tats, piercings, lifestyle issues, you know, things that don't hurt or affect other people. We Libertarians are wierd that way!
If you want ink to tell your story thoughout your life, more power to you.
None of us is a hottie when we are old. The best we can hope for is that we are interesting and tats don't take away from that.
The way I see it is, life is too short. You want a tat, get a tat. And just like everything else you do in your life, think about it first and make sure it is what you want. Try to go through this life with as few regrets as possible.
I rather like the old lady with the Forever 18 on her back. It tells me that maybe her body is older and more frail, but once she was young and maybe, just maybe, that 18 year old is still there somewhere. We look at old people, and never picture them as young. But they were.