Patients took over asylum
Feel free to add on!
Things I learned this week:
*Cats are easier trained than some dogs (Cassie wanted to beat up Mew and kept raising her paw. I kept saying "Cassie" sternly and she'd stop. Try getting my mutt to listen that well. Lol).
*I broke my bearded dragon Ella by feeding her pinkie mice as a treat. Now every time I stick my hand in the viv, she tries to eat my fingures.
*On the same note, I know know what it feels like to be "love nipped" by an adult bearded dragon. She got my fingers on accident while feeding her said pinkies.
*Bearded dragons jump. Not far, but they do it well enough. I kind of knew that though.
*Hungry Beardies are very determined, especially when they know you have food. No height is too tall to get closer to that food.
*My box turtle is more aquatic than I thought. I've been keeping her in the painted turtle's tank on the land because I had to tear down her cage for a short time while I use the space to house furniture while I rearrange other rooms. She's been there a week and I find her constantly swimming/floating. I know she can get out onto land, so she just likes swimming.
*In addition to this, I learned that turtles are like monkeys. How you ask? Because, like monkeys, if they see they will do. As a WC turtle, my boxie hasn't been the best eater. She would eat only if she was extremely bored or had nothing better to do until I moved her in with the painted. Now she eats great (likes mice too!). The only problem is, now she wants to take most of her food in the water. Lol
*I also now know what it feels like to be bitten by my boxie. She accidentally got the fleshy part of my finger near where it connects to the hand. It hurt far more than when my painted accidentally gets me.
*This week, I learned that my boxie will eat a lot better if I hand feed her. That makes 14 animals I have to hand feed (8 snakes, two turtles, 4 BDs). Thank gosh I have no life. Lol
*I learned that if you hold mealworms under the water for 5 seconds or so, they'll straighten out long enough to feed them to turtles.
*Lastly, this week I learned that I wouldn't trade any of this for anything in the world. I must be crazy.
Things I learned this week:
*Cats are easier trained than some dogs (Cassie wanted to beat up Mew and kept raising her paw. I kept saying "Cassie" sternly and she'd stop. Try getting my mutt to listen that well. Lol).
*I broke my bearded dragon Ella by feeding her pinkie mice as a treat. Now every time I stick my hand in the viv, she tries to eat my fingures.
*On the same note, I know know what it feels like to be "love nipped" by an adult bearded dragon. She got my fingers on accident while feeding her said pinkies.
*Bearded dragons jump. Not far, but they do it well enough. I kind of knew that though.
*Hungry Beardies are very determined, especially when they know you have food. No height is too tall to get closer to that food.
*My box turtle is more aquatic than I thought. I've been keeping her in the painted turtle's tank on the land because I had to tear down her cage for a short time while I use the space to house furniture while I rearrange other rooms. She's been there a week and I find her constantly swimming/floating. I know she can get out onto land, so she just likes swimming.
*In addition to this, I learned that turtles are like monkeys. How you ask? Because, like monkeys, if they see they will do. As a WC turtle, my boxie hasn't been the best eater. She would eat only if she was extremely bored or had nothing better to do until I moved her in with the painted. Now she eats great (likes mice too!). The only problem is, now she wants to take most of her food in the water. Lol
*I also now know what it feels like to be bitten by my boxie. She accidentally got the fleshy part of my finger near where it connects to the hand. It hurt far more than when my painted accidentally gets me.
*This week, I learned that my boxie will eat a lot better if I hand feed her. That makes 14 animals I have to hand feed (8 snakes, two turtles, 4 BDs). Thank gosh I have no life. Lol
*I learned that if you hold mealworms under the water for 5 seconds or so, they'll straighten out long enough to feed them to turtles.
*Lastly, this week I learned that I wouldn't trade any of this for anything in the world. I must be crazy.