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Things I Learned This Week

I learned that, in a small room (8'x10', approximately), there are about 30,000 places where a lost hatchling can hide--and that we've apparently only looked in about 29, 950 or so of them, because we still haven't found my missing Tessera baby :-(.

I've learned that a 16 y/o dog sticks better to painter's tape than a hatchling does--at least, all we've caught so far with it is the dog.

I've learned that said 16 y/o dog loves the taste of flour spread in a thin layer on the floor, and that he'll happily lick the whole floor to get every single speck of it.

I've learned that my husband is kind and good and keeps on trying, but he really just doesn't seem to care about whether or not we find the snake.

I've learned that losing the little guy hurts a whole lot more than you'd think it would, for something that's only been in the world for a few days....

I am sorry you have not found the little one yet, I hope you find it soon.

what have I learned this week? hmmmmmm I learned how to throw a weedeater across the yard when mad at it (wouldn't start) I learned this old body hates the heat more than ever. I also relearned the human animal is a fickle beast.
Mmmm.... French toast! My favorite is using either a sliced cinnamon roll or brioche, stuffed with sweetened creme chese OR marionberries or strawberries, and topped with warm REAL maple syrup :).
Well, it seems that I'm learning that even dogs that are out of shape can feel "sore" after a good workout with another dog! LOL. Scout seems to be either very sore after playing with a neighbor's dog OR he's depressed... I hope it isn't the latter! :)
Poor snake Mrs Z. I hope you find the little one.

@Fred, I hope your pup feels better soon!

@Vicky, I can't make french toast to save my life. It always turns out too soggy. I do know that day old french bread makes really good french bread though.

I also learned today that bearded dragons can be black.
Mmmm, french toast... I've known how to make that since I was 8. Best. Breakfast food. Ever. I will never understand the people who skip the milk and/or cinnamon, though.

@Halley-- You should see my male when he gets going... Now that's a black beardie! lol

Something I learned at work today: When you get this feeling that an animal needs major TLC like, NOW, act on it! We had one little beardie baby who just wasn't doing well--the other one in the enclosure had been bullying it out of food (and none of us--I'm at fault here too--noticed until Sunday). I had to force-feed it crickets on Sunday, then didn't work the next 2 days, and came into work today to find out that he didn't make it. :( All day Sunday I contemplated asking if I could take him home to nurse him back to health, or even mercy-buying him, then passed because, once again, I'm broke, and don't have extra supplies laying around (plus, I'm trying to off-load 2 beardies, not buy a fourth!). Now I feel just awful. That poor baby. I'm an idiot for not listening to my own instincts. Uck.

I guess that counts as two lessons--now I know what to look for when a beardie is being so completely bullied out of any food at all. Not how I wanted to learn that lesson, but oh well.

On a happier note... Another thing I learned today... Centipedes are venomous! Never saw that one coming.
If you scroll down to almost the bottom of this website page, you'll see the darkest beardie I've ever seen. http://pdpratt.blogspot.com/2011/01/images-from-past-australia-trips.html

I'm sorry to hear about the little one that was lost. It's always hard when you start think "woulda coulda shoulda". It was just meant to be. :(

Today I learned: It is possible to almost step on 3 different garter snakes and not see them until they move. They were the darkest garters I've ever seen. I might catch a few just to make sure that's what they are tomorrow. There aren't water friendly, black rattlesnakes in Colorado right? Lol
Today I learned re-cupping Tarantulas, is really no fun....
We're packing for Hamburg tomorrow, so I guess I'm working late.
LOVE that black beardie! What a stunner! He might be an Eastern bearded dragon (different species, I think)... I wish we had those in the states!!! <3

Yeah, no use dwelling on it now... On the bright side, the brat that was bullying him out of food is doing great. He's fat and sassy... And I mean sassy! He's always running around, and starts gaping and threatening to bite the moment you put your hand in the cage. Not that he's ever serious, you know, being a beardie and all... lol!
I want one!

Today I learned: How to make a podcast. I also learned that there is a type of model kit called a "Vacuform" which seems interesting. Thirdly, I learned that I might have a new job on Monday, which will be cool.
Yesterday I learnt that being stabbed in the back at work is painful but survivable. And that documenting all your actions saves your neck against vague allegations. (Well I suppose I'd learnt that lesson before, just had it reinforced)
Today I learned that it is physically possible to be too short for "short" and "petite" style pants. I knew I was short, but really? ... Is anyone making "Extra Short" pants yet? :p

I also learned today that the world is truly a very small place. A customer came in to the store today, and it came up that she has immediate family in Westport, Washington, meaning she has driven through my home town of Raymond, 1/2 an hr out of Westport, only, like, a MILLION times to get there. The last thing I ever expected to find in the middle of a pet store in some mid-sized town in Utah was someone who actually knows my po-dunk home town. And, yes, that area is small enough that our families probably know each other. Or may even be related. Talk about surreal... heh
I learned (but have always known) that snuggle time with my cat, Tito (pictured in my avatar) will make everything better. Seriously. I'm tempted to rent him out to people who need to be cheered up. :p
Today, one of my girls turns 18 years old. TODAY, she learns that along with all the ADULT things she is looking forward to because of her birthday, she will have a bunch of other ADULT responsibilities!!! LOL. Can't WAIT to see that look on her face when she realizes that. :) In a way, I can't WAIT until she uses the "Well, I'm 18 now..." argument. HA!
This week I learned;

- that Satanism is a branch of the Christian religion :sidestep:
- my new wrist clock is 2 hrs behind after about two weeks (and that it gets sweaty/itchy when wearing so it stayed home lol).
- Styrofoam in between layers of Herpteks don't make them stand tight and neat
-the Max Factor representative for both the drugstores I buy MF concealer, is said to be an - insert other word for donkey - because he does not refill in time. I can only agree since I have not been able to buy new concealer for weeks now.....
- Trying to make report bursting in Business Objects work, sucks
- I relearned that riding a bicycle in sweaty weather and trying to lock it up in the sun while it refuses to do so makes you sweat and wanting to take the car next time
- Skecher sneakers really are comfortable, even when riding a bike! And they come with two different pairs of laces to swap colors if you like :)
Should have named the thread "Today" instead of "This Week".. Lol

Today I learned:

I can bring my fur-child (dog) into the bank.
I am really rusty on catching crawdads (or Jetsomes as I call them).
There are leaches/flatworms/something in the creek and they're easier to catch. Lol
I went to a pet store owned by a guy my boyfriend works with and learned:

His reptile husbandry has inproved so much!

He now has a lot of strange reptiles

The snakes are, 2 corn snakes, 2 bulls snakes, 3 red tail boas, and a baby green tree python. When before all he had was corns and ball pythons.

The lizards on the other hand were the most strange (for this pet shop). 3 bearded dragons, a huge green iguana (was nice and had a orange belly), a day gecko, a Russian legless lizard, and a tank full of baby american alligators (I really hope so poor dumb red neck doesn't buy one)!

What I learned:
I had no idea they were allowed to sell alligators! And I had no idea what a Russian legless lizard was.
Today (ok--technically yesterday) I learned that "average life expectancy" for this or that dog breed, is not to be relied on! Today (er, again, technically yesterday) is my boxer's 12th birthday. Yes, she's TWELVE years old! And every piece of literature I've found quotes this breed's life expectancy at around 7-10 years max. This dog has had everything working against her. Arthritis in both back legs (knees and hips), food allergies (and we had her on Science Diet--mostly corn, yuck!), she even started developing malignant mast cell tumors in the last year, and even went through surgery at the beginning of 2010 to have her first one removed from the back of her head!

It's the craziest thing. Despite all her health issues, everything that she's gone through, she has blown her life expectancy out of the water, and still acts like a puppy. Granted, a puppy with bad arthritis, but still. The ornery old gal refuses to die! LOL.

Here she is a few weeks ago, getting ready to have a barking match with Stump, my little terrier mix. Silly ol' gal.


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