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this made me laugh

Jimmy Johnson said:
There are several of those snake handling churches between here and where you live.
Although we know how absolutely absurd they are, they are there and they truly beleive what he wrote.
It isn't a joke, it is what they beleive.
I guess I would be S.O.L. too considering I am also Catholic.
It sure doesn't help our image.
First everyone thinks that because we are from Tennessee we must be barefoot hillbillies and now that just adds to it.
We are all barefoot, hillbilly, snake handling, inbred banjo players.
wow, we have some much to live up to.
Hello Jimmy,
I know that there are several snake handling churches here in TN. And I don't think it really does anything to hurt or help our image. I think it hurts the writer's image, but I don't think it does a thing to mine! LOL People who judge me without knowing me aren't worth my time, and they aren't worth worrying about.

And I want you to know that Alias47 and gardenmum are my friends. They were just giving me a hard time. Please do not take what they said seriously! They simply like to pick on me. Believe me, they get their fair share back! :p
man did i hit a nerve with our colonial cousines, just sometimes when speak to people from the states, i use some words you do not know as do you.
as for the pip stuff whats that all about...i,m from the north of england, it would be same as me sayin you all speak like "cletus the slack jawed yokel".
anywayz i got'ta gu dawn't shop for me 'ovis, wereya put me boytes our lass..
(translation)..i have to go to the local convinience store for some bread"old chap", wife,have you seen my boots........? :crazy02:
gardenmum said:
Hmmm.....amazing as it seems, some of us americans actually know what the word "drivel" means and actually know how to spell it also. Go figure. :)

This makes this thread even funnier...
Jimmy Johnson said:
First everyone thinks that because we are from Tennessee we must be barefoot hillbillies...We are all barefoot, hillbilly, snake handling, inbred banjo players.

You said it...not me.

At least you are able to admit it. :crazy02: :crazy02:
I've BEEN to Tennessee...you ARE all barefoot, hillbilly, snake handling, inbred banjo players...


Alias47 said:
You said it...not me.

At least you are able to admit it. :crazy02: :crazy02:
I've BEEN to Tennessee...you ARE all barefoot, hillbilly, snake handling, inbred banjo players...


thanks for the spelling lesson...oh for a spell checker on here........

i,m glad i caught your interest, the only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about.oscar wilde.

i'll have to be careful what i say incase bush decides im a threat...

love you all........
Out of the pot and into the fire

ruby's dad said:
i'll have to be careful what i say incase bush decides im a threat...

For starters, I'd recommend leaving your European slant on American politics out of the discussion.....;)
I agree with CAV, best to leave political slams off this site. First you bash with a mispelled word and now you want to swing some politics. "Tread softly young man....tread softly." :eatsmiley
And all I have to say to you Terri is.....

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

You know..
I live in the hills of Tennessee so I do have the hillbilly part down.
I am actually sitting here at the computer barefoot....uh oh two down.
I have 37 snakes so I am a snake handler too (just not venomous snakes or as a religion)
Damn, I guess all I need to do now is start taking banjo lessons.
Squeal Boy!

Jimmy Johnson said:
Damn, I guess all I need to do is start taking banjo lessons. :wavey:

Fact: 9 out of 10 hillbillies agree, watching Deliverance is the best way to learn about the banjo! :roflmao:
Jimmy Johnson said:
You know..
I live in the hills of Tennessee so I do have the hillbilly part down.
I am actually sitting here at the computer barefoot....uh oh two down.
I have 37 snakes so I am a snake handler too (just not venomous snakes or as a religion)
Damn, I guess all I need to do now is start taking banjo lessons.
What are you gonna do about the inbred part? EWWWW...forget I asked! :p
ok guys all jokin apart..i think the u.s is agreat place i've been there a few times and was always well looked after. as for the politics, we are allies, and have always been(well almost). :cheers:

you can hate me if you like..but i dont hate anyone. i am pacifist...(if this is spelt wrongly i'm sure you will correct it for me)

:cry: :cry: :cry:

you cant please all of the people all of the time, but you can please some of the people some of the time.

see ya partna's yehaaa!!!
ok guys all jokin apart..i think the u.s is agreat place i've been there a few times and was always well looked after. as for the politics, we are allies, and have always been(well almost). :cheers:

you can hate me if you like..but i dont hate anyone. i am pacifist...(if this is spelt wrongly i'm sure you will correct it for me)

:cry: :cry: :cry:

you cant please all of the people all of the time, but you can please some of the people some of the time.

see ya partna's yehaaa!!!

p.s european no, english yes
you can hate me if you like..but i dont hate anyone. i am pacifist...(if this is spelt wrongly i'm sure you will correct it for me)

Nobody hates anyone here. That is not an issue, and we certainly don't hate you. We just prefer not to be thrown darts at, is all. If you had not intended them as darts, then maybe a different way of presenting what you say would be beneficial. ;) Remember, written words can be "flat" sounding and choosing words to express a joking manner go a long way.....also, the smilies help this out too. Also, we don't make any habits of correcting spelling mistakes as we all make them, but if one is used in what appears to be a bash.....well, that is different. I personally don't care if you make spelling errors.

You have to understand that many of us know each other and can get away with what may appear as "strong" remarks to each other, but that is simply because we HAVE come to know each other with time and have learned to "read" the pun intended even if it is not apparent to a "newcomer." So, simply said....choice of words go a long way.

Hope you are enjoying the forum and enjoying your corn snake. They're the best. :)
sometimes i fear words can get "lost in translation".i wasn't tryin to offend anyone.the drivel thing, well heres the story...few weeks ago i described my ruby as being "stroppy", i was talking to an american, who ,does't matter, he did not know what stroppy was, this is why i thought i would give some form of translation, but i think i put my foot in my mouth and my words were taken out if context.
then someone started with the "pip" thing and i thought it was a bit offensive, so ithought i had to defend myself, thats when the mud slinging started.
i know you dont hate me, but you can if you want, is what i was sayin.
us yorkshire men are sensitive, and proud of our working class heritage... :eatpointe