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this made me laugh

Just don't get into a political discussion with CAV....

That is how I met him...over at Fauna.
Unless you are prepared to research, quote, and find articles, for DAYS (quite seriously) it will not be worth the effort...

We may have some differing views...but I'd be glad to have him on my side of a debate any day of the week.
Yea verily

"It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it." - Joseph Joubert
Hard to win a debate with CAV? Inconceivable! Just do what most Ashevillians do. Just call him "gun lover" and "neocon," and use the phrases "Bush and his cronies," "Oil war," and blurt out "Halliburton, Halliburton, Halliburton!"
This neither needs to make sense nor be said in any particular order, just maintain a tone of righteous indignation. For added effect, you may scream out above phrases as if you have tourette's syndrome.
I feel your pain! - Slick Willy

"Always being right is a difficult burden to carry." - CAV, Texas Philosopher, 2005

That is a prime example of an OXYMORON...

I shoud print it out and distibute it to my kid's five grade class...
Just something that occurred to me after reading this thread..

In the bible wasn't there a part where Moses put a brass serpent on his staff, then a bunch of his people were bitten by poisonous serpents? Then he told them all they had to do was *look* at the brass serpent and they would be cured, but a bunch of them thought that was dumb, and died, whereas the ones who looked where cured? Then Moses went on to compare the brass serpent with the savior. Hmmm, wouldn't that mean Moses was using a serpent to symbolize Christ? I'll have to go look that story up now, if anyone is interested I'll post the scripture references on here.
aha! I found it! Numbers 21:6-9

"And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died. 7 Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD, and against thee; pray unto the LORD, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people. 8 And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. 9 And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived. "

Sorry, I just can't stand it when people use religion as a justification to hate others, human or not, and this is a handy reference to throw at people. :D
This seems to be awful close to breaking one of the Commandments handed down by Moses himself...

A brass serpent on a pole that prevents people from dying from snakebites when looked at?? Pretty much fits the definition of IDOL.
I think thats why they ended up having to destroy it eventually, if I remember correctly...its been a long time...
I think it was supposed to be an object lesson for the Israelites, sort of like how their having to sacrifice the purest most perfect male lamb from their flock was symbolic of the sacrifice that the savior had to make. I think the serpent was symbolic of them only having to look to the savior and have faith so they would be saved, and Moses was trying to teach them that, but a lot of them just wouldn't.

Anywho, I didn't mean to start a theological discussion. I don't ever remember reading that it was destroyed, I don't think it's even mentioned after that passage. Are you thinking of the golden calf maybe?

The whole point was that Moses, per God's instructions, used a serpent to symbolize their salvation, (the savior). Thus providing direct biblical evidence for the religious types that snakes are not evil devil beings.
But a serpent guided us into original sin...

If you believe...and believe in literal interpretation.

I have read the Bible...and had four years of Theology classes...
I am now an Agnostic.
Hmmm...how about that! You made me curious so I looked it up and sure enough you are right! I swear I remember that snake was destroyed because the people started believing that the bronze snake had healed them, rather than God... I sure can't find the verses to back it up though. Guess you're right.
Yeah, I have done four years of seminary and hours of study on my own, I don't know, I guess it's fascinating to me. If you look at the Adam and Eve thing though, if the snake had not said anything to Eve then they would still be sitting in the garden and we would never have been born. God also told them to multiply and replenish the Earth, and they couldn't do that without eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge, so either way they had to break one commandment to obey another. The snake never actually lied to Eve either if you really look at what it said.