mike panic said:
They are butters not amels. I have no idea anymore what to tell you guys.Please put the responses in this forum.
Mike, they are amels and they are Butters, I think they are actually Butter Motleys, but the point was they are amels and not “Ultra Ambers”. You are really getting up tight about this. There will be no answers to your other questions at this time. It is not Shivers fault, it is not your fault, the mystery continues. Answers will come in time and the mystery will be solved.
Mike Shivers can no more identify the snakes that you own or the hatchling that you are producing genetically than the man in the moon or Mickey Mouse. I do think that he knows what a hatching and adult Goldust, Goldust Motleys and Butter Motleys look like, so he can say yes that looks like a Goldust and not a Butter or no that is a Ultra Caramel or Amber het Ultra which could be 4 or 5 different things genetically at this point in time.
Mike Shivers understanding of what the “Ultra Ambers” were and how they pasted on their genes into their offspring is a language all in itself. It seems perfectly clear to him, but I have to translate it into “Ultra Theory English” when I get it, and some of it is NOT TRANSLATABLE. When Shivers bred an “Ultra Amber” X Amber het Amel, the offspring that where not “Ultra Ambers” were not Ambers het “Ultra Amber“. That does not compute, but it computes to him and some people are still trying to speak the Shivers “Ultra Amber Theory” genetics language and I am afraid that it does not apply to these Corns.
We all know what Rich’s “Pandora’s Box of Hypos” is right? Well, we have a DOZY here! We have two hypos in the mix, Ultra and Hypo and we have a completely new morph I am going to call Ultramel, for the time being. If Christmas hypos happen to be located at the amel locus, we can call them Chrismels. LOL
So Mike, basically we have Rich’s Pandora’s Box with three hypo type mutant genes in the mix and Shivers did not know any of this. This means that every breeder that you have and everybody else has unknown genes in their make up even your Goldust Motleys. They can be Hypo Goldust Motleys or Goldust Motleys het hypo. If you breed a Hypo Goldust Motley (hhauccmm) X Amber het amel Motley (hhccAaMm) you will produce Goldust Motleys alright, but you will or can produce Plain Jane Ambers in the clutch that are not het for Goldust in anyway shape or form and can not produce a Goldust of any kind no matter what you breed them to.
Try understanding that one, let alone trying to explain it to someone. Shivers thought they were obviously het for “Ultra” or “Ultra Amber” and why shouldn‘t he have? I can tell you this right now, nobody on this planet can identify your adult snakes or their offspring genetically by the way they LOOK. The only possible way to figure that out is through breeding trials.
Have Ken and/or yourself give us the Adult pairings that were used and the ENTIRE make up of the clutches and we can make some educated guesses and that is it. If your luck is incredible you can figure out the genetic make up of the adults with one breeding, but it will most likely take several. You just do not get all possibilities in a clutch when five genes are in the mix. I do not think that you can look at an Ultra Caramel, Hypo Ultra Caramel or Amber and tell them apart just by looking at them. We might be able to brown bag test them eventually, but we only know what a Amber looks like now and they vary a lot all by themselves. They can also be het for Ultra, Hypo or Amel as well.
Since Ken used two males of unknown genetic make up on at least one female that I know of, all we can do is make an educated guess about all of the genes contained in both males. We can assume they are Goldust (uacc) but they can be Hypo Goldust or Goldust het Hypo. This Amber connection to the Goldust has to be tossed out the window of a jet at 30,000 feet. The only gene in Ambers that can help to make Goldust is the Caramel gene. Sure some of Shivers Ambers are het for Ultra or Amel and you can get a completely unrelated Ambers het Amel and you will produce Goldust from them, but it is because of Ultramels not Ambers.
These snakes are cool, awesome, “Sick”, extraordinary or what ever your generation of expression is and the genetics they are carrying are extremely interesting and have some incredible potential. I think that Rich’s offer to give you some pre-labeled stickers for your lids that have ?????? M or F is funnier than hell! It is only funny because it is true.
The only way to figure the genetics of your snakes out is through test breedings, just like we are doing with the Hypo Test Breeding Project. If you breed any and all of these snakes to AMELS, Butters, or Butter Motleys it will reveal a great deal about the genetic make up of the adults. I think that Butter Motleys would be the best because they have the Caramel, Motley and Amel gene in the mix and CAN match up with the genes in the other parent snake to begin to separate out the Ultra gene, which is the KEY. Unfortunately, the hypo gene will still be floating around in Pandora’s Box, which could only be separated out with test breedings to Corns that only contain the Hypo gene and definitely not the Amel gene.
I can post emails from Shivers to me. I am very glad that he is talking to me again. Why, because I sent him an email and said PLEASE! I have nothing to hide what so ever, but they are in a different language and will only fuel the fire of the people who wish to discredit him on some issues they don’t like. We all like some of the thing he says, but some want to ignore others. I think he is creditable, he just didn’t have the genetics of these Corns figured out and it looks like he is trying to scam people when he was not. Some people need to live in a bubble about some issues, but I do not. I accept the Ultra Hypo for what it is. It is a new genetic Mutant gene that we are going to make more Mutant Morphs of Corns out of that we have never seen before and they will be “Pure“ Corns.