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Ultramel Gene

Could that explain the diversity found in this clutch from last year. Parents... Golddust Motley het Hypo Bloodred Stripe X Ultramel Motley het Amber Bloodred Stripe. Notice some look more banded, some motley, some ultramels more red than others OR is it just the genes that make everything different. Who knows but I'm happy with my results

I've been hearing a lot about the whole ultra thing lately, but I don't really care either way. I like what the gene brings to corns, and when I have babies from my ultra critters, I will label them as having ultra in their backgrounds.

Here is a photo of an ultramel that's 50% gray rat. I got him quite a few years ago from another prominent member here. He has proven out to be Homo caramel/ het anery. He has been in one of my best friends possession the past 5 years.
