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Well my friends.....

Not an easy comparison. We've all had burritos......:roflmao:

LOL!!! Best thing Ive heard all day!! This might be too much info, but my husband recently started taking cymbolta(sp?) after the fire because he has had a lot of anxiety over it. Well not sure if you know what SSRIs do to you sexually but it makes it really really hard to....how shall I say?? uhhh I guess I will say "spit"
The other day I really wanted a Taco Cabana breakfast burrito instead of my husband! ;-)
I am very familiar with Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitors. I found that if you can build it, they will come.
I'm glad everthing worked out with paypal and all of us could help. P.S- if your husband explains this symptom to the doc there are other options that lack that side effect.
I'm glad everthing worked out with paypal and all of us could help. P.S- if your husband explains this symptom to the doc there are other options that lack that side effect.

We are trying. His panic attacks are so bad and each dr. is reluctant to give him meds. Im really worried about him unless he gets meds. We keep trying,All I want is for him to feel normal. The fire made him a different person. I think he feels guilty because I was the one who woke up and grabbed kids out the door,
It will take time just keep reassuring him he is a wonderful husband and father, and who woke up is no reason for guilt on his part. The fact is you woke up, and if you hadn't you guys couldn't be thankful. So remind him how blessed your whole family is:)
It will take time just keep reassuring him he is a wonderful husband and father, and who woke up is no reason for guilt on his part. The fact is you woke up, and if you hadn't you guys couldn't be thankful. So remind him how blessed your whole family is:)
Ya I do ... I still feel guilty I was the one who woke....I know that sounds stupid. Not that it has to do with snakes and Im sure...it's nothing.
I just have guilt feelings that I didnt wake sooner. I know that is silly....but it's what Icant get out of my head!!
We are trying. His panic attacks are so bad and each dr. is reluctant to give him meds. Im really worried about him unless he gets meds. We keep trying,All I want is for him to feel normal. The fire made him a different person. I think he feels guilty because I was the one who woke up and grabbed kids out the door,

If we were to have a child, I wouldn't allow Kristi to handle it during the night because once she's asleep for the night, she can wake, but she's not exactly competent in her wakeful state. However, if there were a fire, I wouldn't wake up and she would. So she would wake up, start hollering about it, and I would wake up and be able to think very fast on my feet as soon as I was awake. Whether you wake up has nothing to do with how good of a caretaker you are. It has to do with how light of a sleeper you are. He should just thank his lucky stars that SOMEONE woke up in time. And, since he didn't wake, he should also thank his lucky stars that for the rest of his life he plans to be sleeping beside you, who did. ;) I, myself, would be dead as a doornail in a fire. But as long as I sleep in the same bed as my wife, I'll be A-OK. :)
About 6 months ago I had quit smoking and stopped by a 7-11 to get some cookies on the way to work (cravings) and there was a woman unconscious on the floor so I started on the CPR and did that until the medics arrived but she did not make it. I was nutzo for about 3 months or so after that; not my usual ornery self. Wondering if I'd turned off the cs.com earlier that day if I could have saved her life, driving myself nuts, thinking and re-living it over and over in my head.
Were any lives lost in the fire? Or just 'things'? I do not know what he is going through personally, but I have an appreciation of the abstract. Prozac or atavan something similar does help to take the edge off. I started smoking again too. I still think about it often. Lots of people told me stuff about what I should feel or be thankful for and so forth; it takes time. {{{hugz}}} dp

WOW! That is awful! You did the right thing though, good for you!