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We've all seen pictures of your snakes..

oh also,

DeathCrest said:
Well this is me on a regular basis so if your even in montreal look for the cat ears and a Border Collie at her side

same goes for eugene (minus the border collie unfortunatly)
(one of 3 eared sweat****s and one eared hat)


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Okay, I was hoping I didn't have any pics, but I did so here goes. This is the whole family at Thanksgiving. My Mom, me (taking up most of the pic) with my 4 legged baby "Scrappy Doo", my youngest, my hubby in the back (had to Photoshop his finger out LOL), my nephew, his girlfriend, her daughter, and my oldest son. Hope I didn't hurt anybody's eyes! Thanks for whoever brought this thread back up, it was neat to see everybody!


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Holy Crap! The Undead!

The thread that never dies has been resurrected yet again!

Grab a wooden stakes, the silver bullets, and RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! :twoguns:

(BTW, nice pics everyone. :) )
Okay CAV, just 'cause you look good......LOL It really was neat for us newbies to see all you senior members. :wavey:

BTW, does anybody notice anything strange about my oldest son in that pic?
Was he "flipping the bird"? :laugh:

Ps. CAV is soooooo not what I expected. (DAMN YOU, PAUL! *shakes fist*) LOL
JTGoff69 said:
Okay CAV, just 'cause you look good......LOL It really was neat for us newbies to see all you senior members. :wavey:

BTW, does anybody notice anything strange about my oldest son in that pic?

He has no legs!!!!
Spirit,,yes, my husband was. I photoshop'd that out, myself.

Joejr.....DING DING!! My nephew's friend put my oldest son in that pic since he was at work that day. I feel really stupid now, as that pic was sent to us in a beautiful frame for Christmas and we thought it was so nice. Then my nephew said, "don't you guys notice anything wrong with that picture?" None of us did until he pointed it out to us. He just took a picture we had of my son and superimposed it into the family picture!
That is the smalles largemouth I have ever sen too. THe funny thing was that it was taken on a piece of bread. I keep looking for the pic of the five pounder she caught this fall. It nearly broke her spongebob fishing pole in half!
5 punder???? Wow! I've never even caught one close to that. Quite the little fisherman.
everybody else did it...

so I might as well join the masses.


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Long live the thread! I wanna play again :D

These were all taken with my phone so please excuse poor quality (have smallened them so they don't take up much room). Yeah my house is a kind of zoo but that's how I like it :)


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Now for the animals.

Here are all those near and dear to me. We have my mum and step dad, my great aunt who dotes on me!, my two favourite boys in the world, Sir Charles and my cousin :)


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howiet4702 said:
The first pic of the cat (2nd row, 1st pic) is awesome! He looks like a cool cat! :)

She :) Princess Bonnie. I took that yesterday while she was standing on my chest!
k i'm going to put up mine, its not a very good pic, but its the most recent, (7-8 months ago) i do have more hair now


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oh wow, ive only just came across this thread
how on earth did i miss it
and yep everyone is so pretty here

okay now my turn to share piccies
first up is my sister, kirsty and her fiance, ian


next is my mum and dad getting ready to go out, with our dog, candy in the shot too.


my sister, sarah with my 17 year old cat, susie (she never ever looks at the camera)


ok im gonna be brave and post a pic of me and my boyfriend, michael
(damn i look like death in these pics, i dont photograph very well, lol)


and one more of mike playing his nintendo thingy, which i swear is going out the window any day now! LOL


woo hoo i love this thread hehe

I had one on here before i think this thread is just so long now. Anywho, I'm on the right. Put more pics up I'm trying to find some more familiar faces!


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