rusticreptiles, I wouldn't pick them up or handle them at all, let them be in the incubator undesturbed, believe me, I learned the hard way with my oldest girls eggs this year, I was often picking them up and checking them out and looking at them and candeling them, and well, the two good eggs that I got from her burst in my hand, and I watched the not all the way formed baby die, it was breathing but not 100% developed yet, and that happened twice to me, one was on day 32 and the other one made it to day 54 which is the one that was breathing, before it died. So try very very hard not to handle the eggs much. All I do now is look at them through the top of the incubator window, and sometimes open it to open the lid of the container to peek at the eggs and temps and that's it. I did candle them all within the first week after they were laid, and that's all I needed to know if they were fertile or not. Good luck with yrs, and hope you'll have cute little heads poking out soon.