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What the hell is a deli cup!?

Duff said:
Wow, it's pretty sad when people care so much about someone catching up to their post count. And say that's not the case all you want, but why else would you really care. If you don't like seeing all the posts, skip em. Are the forum "kings/queens" feeling threatened or what.

It's pretty sad that someone has no idea what in the world they are talking about. I could give a flying rats arse if she catches up to me or not, Duff.
Believe it or not, im really not interested in the amount of posts i have, i just like to post to whatever i feel like :shrugs:
Tula_Montage said:
In fact my language is generally cuss free
That's just this thread. While they aren't all necessarily curse words, some imply curse words which is just as bad IMO. If you wouldn't say it in front of a 5 year old I wouldn't say it here. Then again that's just my opinion on what common courtesy is.

Scrub uttered the following drivial..
Has anyone taken advice from Elle and had their snake worse off for it?

I can honestly reply back and say, nope I haven't, and it more than evident to be a good thing that I wouldn't for myself and the 30+ some under my care.. Not to be rude, but Tula has made an ass out of herself from the get go.. Unfortunantly it is apparente that Tula really enjoys stirring the pot, which is why I often refuse to respond to any posts.

Do I care if someone posts a 1000 messages in a month or so.. No, not really, as long as the facts are straight and the information is correct, or is corrected when the err is so blatenly obvious. It is really unlikely with the next 6 monthes or so for Tula to repair the destruction she has done to her reputation, it was her that created this laughing stock. It is pointless to try to defend her position.

What she wants is the attention, which is sad when the craving drags you towards looking really pathetic, which in turn does not help her self esteem. It is apparent she is unbalenced and should seek out the help of a medical professional before things really get out of hand for her. The delusional thought processes are more than apparent. Trust me, this required me using some tact and polite words, but a spade is a spade..

Regards, Tim of T and J
lol thats good unless you don't actually know,Flat=apartment pence uk currency and i don't know what a hampysters is mayb a hamster?
Protective device

I think it's a protective device worn during food fights,or inline hockey games at grocery stores. :shrugs:
JTGoff69 said:
What the hell are a "flat", "pence", and "hampysters"? Or is it just a UK thing? :rolleyes:
As Aidan said - "flat" = apartment; "pence" = UK currency (pounds and pence, like dollars and cents).

"hampysters" = typing error (easily corrected by using spellcheck, or that too-rarely-used-tool - "proofreading before you post")

Of course, Jen, you could've checked them on google, but then isn't that what this 17 page thread is all about?? :crazy02: :cheers:
Spiteful, bad-tempered and unnnecessary in places...........That's my overall impression of this thread's tone. Personal attacks, oblique references to other conversations, quotes ad nauseum out of context.
Has Tula made herself seem foolish? I'd say maybe quite a few people on here have done so. There are spelling and grammar mistakes aplenty, but this forum is surely not the home of the language police?
I don't know Tula, any more than I know any other member here, in the wonderful world of the internet people can hide behind their computer screen and re-invent themselves however they chose. With this in mind to second-guess or suggest psychiatric problems on the basis of posts on a forum seems a tad forward, it's also insulting to anyone on this forum who has mental health issues of their own or in their circle of family and friends.
To see a thread start as good-natured bantering and degrade into plain nastiness?
Wow, even Norman Bates wants this thread to go away.

Or is that Norman Bates' mother?

(Which dovetails to the "fact" that this is the internet, and because of that we all have PhDs in psychology :rolleyes: .....but yes, Lil......agreed.)

diamondlil ranted
Spiteful, bad-tempered and unnnecessary in places

The whole post was unnessesary.. That is the whole point Lil, almost 20 pages of drivial powered by some crazy little, attention sqaundering little girl. Apparently, you don't see what everyone else seems to have noticed.

With this in mind to second-guess or suggest psychiatric problems on the basis of posts on a forum seems a tad forward, it's also insulting to anyone on this forum who has mental health issues of their own or in their circle of family and friends.

*lol* I guess I have insulted myself and most of my inlaws with what you professed. :crazy02: Tad forward? :grin01: Ya, so damn what. I don't wear kit gloves, and I call the spade a spade, so shoot me for being the alpha male without any feelings.. *rotflmao* :flames:

Maybe, because in real life I DO have a Psychology degree, and in my job work with people who have a whole spectrum of physical and mental health issues, I don't feel the need to label people on here.
If members are getting some sort of gratification from nastiness on here, go ahead, make your own day folks, tell it like you see it, and good luck to you.
Of course I could make up some pseudo-psycho-babble about people hiding behind their keyboards, venting feelings they can't express in real life.............but I prefer to play nice
diamondlil ranted
Maybe, because in real life I DO have a Psychology degree, and in my job work with people who have a whole spectrum of physical and mental health issues, I don't feel the need to label people on here.
If members are getting some sort of gratification from nastiness on here, go ahead, make your own day folks, tell it like you see it, and good luck to you.
Of course I could make up some pseudo-psycho-babble about people hiding behind their keyboards, venting feelings they can't express in real life.............but I prefer to play nice

*lol* Oh my, the hypocrisy runs so deep here don't it. Ya, good luck to you to Lil, your going to need it....

TandJ said:
Ya, so damn what. I don't wear kit gloves, and I call the spade a spade, so shoot me for being the alpha male without any feelings..
diamondlil said:
Of course I could make up some pseudo-psycho-babble about people hiding behind their keyboards, venting feelings they can't express in real life
It's a GIFT, I tell you. (Or should that be G.I.F.T. ?)


TandJ said:
diamondlil ranted

*lol* Oh my, the hypocrisy runs so deep here don't it. Ya, good luck to you to Lil, your going to need it....


LMAO is that some sort of threat, because yet another person has CHALLENGED one of the forum kings? :crazy02:

Tim, im dissapointed that i have gotten you soooo worked up, and THAT i do take pleasure from.

Your unnecessary blabbings telling me how to behave will get you NOWHERE with me :) In fact most silly little children use reverse psychology :rolleyes:

Tim dear, go do something worth you'r time... :rolleyes:
[/QUOTE] LMAO is that some sort of threat, because yet another person has CHALLENGED one of the forum kings?

Tim, im dissapointed that i have gotten you soooo worked up, and THAT i do take pleasure from.

Your unnecessary blabbings telling me how to behave will get you NOWHERE with me In fact most silly little children use reverse psychology

Tim dear, go do something worth you'r time...
Forum king? This is new to me.. Your not dissapointted at all that you are getting the attention you want.. You contradicted yourself in one sentence.. *lol*

I didn't tell you how to behave Elle. I merely stated that you have some issues going that you should consult your health care professional, wait, you already have. Thank you Lil..

Tula, your right, your a waste of my time..
LMAO is that some sort of threat, because yet another person has CHALLENGED one of the forum kings?

Tim, im dissapointed that i have gotten you soooo worked up, and THAT i do take pleasure from.

Your unnecessary blabbings telling me how to behave will get you NOWHERE with me In fact most silly little children use reverse psychology

Tim dear, go do something worth you'r time...
Forum king? This is new to me.. Your not dissapointted at all that you are getting the attention you want.. You contradicted yourself in one sentence.. *lol*

I didn't tell you how to behave Elle. I merely stated that you have some issues going that you should consult your health care professional, wait, you already have. Thank you Lil..

Tula, your right, your a waste of my time..

Now your just getting petty and unreasonable...

I just have to laugh Tim :rolleyes: