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What? Whhhaaatttt!?

Boo on those people!

"Wimpy" is such a negative way to describe a snake. Those people are Debbie Downers (wah wahhhhhhhhhhhh)!

What about all the positive, wonderful qualities that draws people to this breed - beauty, non-venomous, smaller size, easy care, easy to tame, good attitude, not to mention (mine at least) loves attention?!

I personally do not feel that all those things combine to qualify as "wimpy." Snakes in general are not wimpy, anything that can kill its own prey by squeezing it seems pretty BAMF to me.

Next time they want to eat at the sushi restaurant and call corn snakes wimpy, tell them they have to catch a fish (WITH LARGE TEETH) bigger than their head only using their mouth... and then kill it with no hands. Then see who's the wimpy one. :)
I agree on the front, Cornsnakes are indeed ideal when it comes to introducing people to the hobby and to snakes in general.
I've got to disagree or maybe agree. IMO. there are no wimpy snakes, ask any mouse or Anole, and there are no wimpy dogs. It's all horses for courses.
Some people may look down on Corns, but thats because they are the victims of their own success and popularity. They are a good snake to start with (along with Kings, Milks, Garters etc.etc.), but everyone has got to start somewhere so isn't it better to start with something that will allow your confidence to grow. You have to look at why people keep things. Is it because it's macho or because you like them and find them interesting
Slightly off topic (but relevant)..... My bro is a Hells Angel...He has a bike with a zillion horse power and sounds like thunder, all his mates got them as well... But when they all go away together they take a little 50cc kids bike to ride around the camp, it's a laugh and easy to ride when chemically challenged...Now you wouldn't call them wimps..See horses for courses....
Slightly :-offtopic, but not really...

Anyone who thinks that chihuahuas are really wimpy girly-type dogs have never been bitten by one! A chihuahua will have nailed you 6 or more times for every one bite from a large dog. And then top it off with the horrendous infection you'll get from all the nasty bacteria+ that you'll find in the tartar-ridden teeth of your average chihuahua. Personally, I would rather mess with a vicious Rottweiler than one of those pocket piranhas!

I'm with you. When I worked at the vet, I would leave all the little dogs to eveyone else and take on the large dog who was very clear that he wanted nothing to do with you or anything you wanted to do to it. I have had my legs chewed up by one of those butterfly dogs and I have also been bitten many times by larger dogs... I'll take the larger do any day.

First off chihuahuas aren't wimpy, I simply refuse to classify them as a dog out of respect for the Canine society. Honestly, it looks like an overgrown mouse.
Jeff Dunham put it well in his act:
"Dogs that jump when they bark-not a dog"
Beyond the fact that they are -annoying-

See I has if it does not pass the ankle it's not a dog just a large rat.

My bro is a Hells Angel...He has a bike with a zillion horse power and sounds like thunder, all his mates got them as well... But when they all go away together they take a little 50cc kids bike to ride around the camp, it's a laugh and easy to ride when chemically challenged...Now you wouldn't call them wimps..See horses for courses....

I can picture that and no wimps would not leave my mouth.

Corns are a great starting point and a great way to start. If I had started with a ATB I don't think I would have kept it long or wanted more snakes. ( I used ATB as a random snake as their care is harder then a corn.)
If a cornsnake has to have a hammock to sleep on, does that make her wimpy? Or is she non-wimpy because she doesn't sleep in a hide- hides are for wimps!

I'm going to echo the general opinion: If being non-agressive, easy to care for, easy to tame, and non-venomous makes corn snakes wimpy, then fine. I'm all for wimpy.
I love both my snakes, but I'm going to increase my corn collection, not get more boas. I think the corns are wonderful little critters. And most of them grow up to be calm and rather sweet.

Kokopelli;for the Canine society. Honestly said:
I've got to agree with this. Treat-on-feet dogs aren't wimpy (in fact they're usually more vicious than any of the larger breeds) but if I can feed it to my snake, then it doesn't count as a dog.

... nor use a snow shovel cleaning up their dukies (ie. Pythons).
(I just use a regular shovel :D )
...or if my snake poops bigger than the dog poops, then it again does not count as a dog.
Does this friend have any anatomical-- er-- shortcomings that may prompt compensatory behavior? ;)

I have never heard that stated so well. That deserves to be repeated.

I have misgivings about your lesbian car, Dean. Some things are better left unsaid. I have a niece who is a lesbian who drives a Rodeo. Her bumper sticker says, “No cowboys in this Rodeo”.
My collection started with a corn snake for my daughter and I don't think any other species would have been able to overcome my dislike for snakes, but that cute, sweet little girl.

I have no desire to own anything else and after six years, I don't think that opinion is going to change :)
OFF-TOPIC (sort of):

Kokopelli said:
First off chihuahuas aren't wimpy, I simply refuse to classify them as a dog out of respect for the Canine society. Honestly, it looks like an overgrown mouse.
Jeff Dunham put it well in his act:
"Dogs that jump when they bark-not a dog"
Beyond the fact that they are -annoying-
Rheenie said:
I've got to agree with this. Treat-on-feet dogs aren't wimpy (in fact they're usually more vicious than any of the larger breeds) but if I can feed it to my snake, then it doesn't count as a dog.

When classifying what is or isn't a dog, I tend to just refer to the animal's taxonomy. Chihuahuas are Canis lupus familiaris. That's DOG to the laymen out there.

Growing up, my family had many dogs, but they were always medium to large dogs. I've had golden retrievers that would bark non-stop, all day, EVERY day. That's pretty darned annoying. I've had hyper big dogs that would knock you over with their crazy antics. Pretty darned annoying.

There are people out there who own anacondas and burms that could eat just about any of the "real" dogs you might list, so I wouldn't use that as a classification factor either.

I'm no true-blue chihuahua enthusiast-- I just happen to own one. I had reservations. I always said that I didn't want to own a little yappy dog, and that I'd only own a "real" dog. Now that I've owned one for a year and a half, I assure you: he's a real dog in every way. I participate in joking about him being a "rat-dog" and all that, but he really doesn't resemble a rodent in any way. He looks like a dog.

Susan said:
Anyone who thinks that chihuahuas are really wimpy girly-type dogs have never been bitten by one! A chihuahua will have nailed you 6 or more times for every one bite from a large dog. And then top it off with the horrendous infection you'll get from all the nasty bacteria+ that you'll find in the tartar-ridden teeth of your average chihuahua. Personally, I would rather mess with a vicious Rottweiler than one of those pocket piranhas!
Fortunately, my dog has only been truly vicious toward a very few other dogs, but never toward humans. He loves people (and most dogs). When I take him to my vet, she can't get over how atypical he is for a chi. As long as you distract him with food, she can shoot him up with intramuscular injections, poke and prod him, and do whatever else she has to do and he'll still be wagging his tail and wanting to stick his tongue in her nostril (his favorite game). But she told me that they have to muzzle quite a few of the chihuahuas they get in there for the reasons you specified.
My favorite dog "group" overall is the hound group. I love all those breeds but especially greyhounds, pharoah hounds and Ibizan hounds.

After that, I have to say, my alltime favorite breeds are both toys. Chis and poms win with me hands down!

As far as snakes, I've had balls, grey banded kings, cal kings, desert kings, rosy boas and corns.
I'm sticking with corns. For me they are *the* perfect snake.
I agree with every thing Dean says. And I think he is just as masculine as any of you. So just stop being so mean to him. :grin01:
Again they are the gateway snake...

Ah yes, corns are a wimpy snake like pot is a wimpy drug.

Doesn't mean I'm gonna get a retic and start doing crack just because I want to be hardcore. I'll stick with wimpy, thanks.
The big factor here is imho morphs. The color variety is so much different and I think gives off a different feel about snakes. Kids and young adults see this vast array of color in these snakes: yellows, purples, reds, grays, and so many countless hues it's incredible. The color pulls people in. Then when they come out and ask about these snakes and learn how forgiving they are as far as conditions and how easy they are to keep people get pulled in more.

They are a great beginner snake and will be a hooby probably for the rest of my life (keeping cornsnakes). I will eventually work my way up to owning a boa or two but not for quite a long time.

They may come off as wimpy with the pretty colors and with the tame attitude and relaxed nature but honestly I think that comes from their instincts. They are not the world's biggest predator out there in nature. Sure they eat some small animals like mice and small rabbits or possums along with whatever else they consume but have you ever stood near a corn in nature? They show no interest in trying to attack or come near humans. I think when we hold them it's not really so much "them liking it" or "wanting to be handled" but them just sucking it up and dealing with it as we are so much bigger and much more a threat to them.

I agree they may come off as wimpy and don't really have many ways to show their ferocity aside from biting or striking at our fingers on rare occassion but they are still an awesome snake to behold. They can grow quite large if fed on a strict regimend of close feedings (a little less than a week) and they can still freak out non-snake owners when they are this big. Boas and Pythons will always be the BAMF's but corns will always be the snake that draws the most overall interest for beginners attending shows or looking into a first snake because of it's genetics and tame nature.
Not going to get into the Dog discussion, as long as Dean doesn't carry his pooch in a Pink Purse; the dog is ok in my book. :smash:

As for Wimpy snakes? What do the consider to be a Non Wimpy snake? Do they Consider Gophers/Bulls/Pines Wimpy snakes?

I think this is the Macho bravado that I find to be BULL Hockey. Seriously, if you can't feed it a rabbit/baby pig or can kill you its not cool? To me these are the same mentality of those who get bitten on the tongue by a rattlesnake, while drunk, placing it's head in their mouth.
I have been in this hobby and tropical fish hobby for to long and seen this mentality where Men who want aggressive animals to look cool. Are they actually making up for the lack of something below the belt? I am not sure but I see it far to often. Many of these people (with this personality) get these large snakes or dangerous animals and either get them confiscated by animal control or get rid of them to the human society because they can no longer handle them.
Some people seem to think corns aren't 'proper' snakes or something. I got chatting to a gentleman in a pet store once - this was a strictly cute-and-cuddly pet store, you understand - and mentioned that I have snakes. He seemed highly alarmed by this thought and asked me what type of snake I had.

So I told him, I had a cornsnake (really had no idea what Connor was at that point) and he relaxed and started saying "ah, well...." like he was going to say, I thought you had a real snake! Then I said I had a python as well - giving no reference to whether this was a large/small python - and he was instantly back on his you are a crazy lady! face. I really wasn't sure what the difference was; if you're scared of snakes you're scared of snakes, right? :shrugs:

I can see why they are considered as a beginner snake, but I don't see how any snake is wimpy. :confused:

And on the dog issue... I don't find little dogs wimpy, exactly, but they aren't quite my cup of tea (most especially if they fit IN my cup of tea!) Rotties and GSDs all the way here...
I could put that bumper sticker on my Rodeo and it would also be true, although not for the same reason. But I guess I'll just stick with "My Cottonmouth Bit Your Honor Student."
I could put that bumper sticker on my Rodeo and it would also be true, although not for the same reason. But I guess I'll just stick with "My Cottonmouth Bit Your Honor Student."

:roflmao: :roflmao:

The girl who parks next to me has a "I wuvs my puppy!" sticker (complete with pink hearts) on her bright yellow convertible top Beetle. And yes, it's spelled 'wuvs'. I kinda want a "I wuvs my snakies!" sticker...