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What? Whhhaaatttt!?

hrm... stickers in Israel seem to be a deal more violent...
There's one that goes "If you can read me, back the heck off!"
And stuff like there, no cute stickers at all- makes me kind of sad *sniff*

As for Roy's post- it's all in good humor. I would like to say though that taxonomy is only based on the human need to classify everything we see. Usually the parameters are locality, the ability to bring fertile offspring and if they mate willingly.
These things change all the time though as we learn more and more... Up until a few years ago it was a taxonomic no no that a Tiger and a Lion could bring offspring- well, there are Ligers today.
And Tarantulas endure tons of changes in their name.. .
Not trying to spark a debate, just saying that we never did try to have a chihuahua mate with a sewer rat before :crazy02:

I think cornsnakes rock anyways, they are very expressive I feel.
Glad to see that others share my opinion! All I have are corns, and although I'd like a python or something, I live in an area where snakes aren't so welcome. So sad. The different colors draw people in, so corns aren't so scary to the old lady next door.