In the last year, I had someone tell me that all you need to care for an adult boa constrictor is a tank, a heat lamp, and a rat once a week.
Also recently encountered someone who is thoroughly convinced that housing a hatchling ball python, a baby red tail boa, and a large adult ball python ALL in the same tank is a good thing (when I pointed out how wrong he is and the many reasons why, he declared they snuggle up together and are happy and that's why I must be wrong).
Oh, and recently encountered a guy who calls himself a boa breeder, but insists cedar is a GREAT substrate. After all, he's used it for so and so many years, and his animals aren't dead yet!!
Ah... And you shouldn't use ANY sort of particle substrate for ANY reptile, because they WILL get impaction and die!
A heat pad WILL crack your tank, cook your reptile, and burn your house down no matter what precautions you take.
If you use any sort of substrate that holds any sort of moisture (i.e. soil or cypress mulch) for a corn snake, it WILL get sick and die.
(In fairness, the person who told me these last 3.. Her heart is in the right place, she just refuses to admit that she might be mistaken!)