My $0.02....
I know I haven't been on the site too much lately (so sue me already) but this thread caught my eye right away. Few things I'd like to say:
1. Franklin, don't worry about the wandering thread. This one is actually rather nice, taking into account the touchy subject-matter.
2. Even though my "knowledge" of the cornsnake world is rather limited (some would call me a beginr) I would have to say that a corn is a corn and an emoryi is an emoryi, so in no way is a cornXemoryi the same thing as a cornXcorn. It is an intergrade cross (not hybrid,there is a fine line between the two) and nothing more or less. Some find them attractive, others don't. That's just the way it plays out. Same thing with cornXking. It's a hybrid cross, nothing more, nothing less. Some like it, others don't, but don't ever step on someone's toes beause they like it. After all, you wouldn't call someone a freak for eating liver and onions, unless you were three (or CAV).
3. This post is not meant in any way to "take sides" or to even offend anyone, so if you are offended by anything I have written thus far, then I have no choice but to tell you to suck it up and deal with it until I can get on again, which might be a few weeks. You can always e-mail me or p.m. me if you have a problem with me, but it will still take just as long for me to respond.
4. BBE, sorry I wasn't here for your hatching day, but I would love for you to e-mail me some pics of your babies. I should have some here in 3-4 weeks. From what I can understand from this thread, euthinasia of that one hatchling does sound best. I know it's hard (I had to euthinize one of my favorite babies last year) but at least your clutch hatched successfully. I look forward to those pics!