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Your Dead Snakes.


New Corn Fanatic
I was wondering what everyone does with their snakes when they die. I had done a search and found nothing on this. :shrugs:

1. Does anyone skin them for their look of the scales? (I think some people do):devil01:
2. Do you bury your friend?:(
3. Take them to an animal hospitol?:cry:
4. Get him/her stuffed?:shrugs:

Well I dont own a snake yet, so I just wanted to know what people do with thier dead friends. Thanks.
Touch wood and thank the stars that I have never yet lost a snake, but I have lost plenty of other animals. The thought of skinning a beloved pet horrifies me. My animals always have been and always will be buried. I usually mark their graves with a flower or some other feature. Silly to some maybe, but my pets are a huge part of my life.
i have had pets all my life, and also touch wood i have never lost a snake yet and hopefully wont for a long time. i have had and lost many other animals though, they have all been buried and there graves marked. my animals are also a big part to my life and i spend more time with animals than people. quite sad i know but i like it.

i would never skin my friend. even the thought of this knocks me sick. hopefully nobody does this.

When Pancho my MBK died, I put him in the freezer for a few days because I had to go to work and didn't have time to bury him. My sons did ask if we could have him mounted, and I did actually think about it because I was so shocked to lose him, but he's buried now
I do not think I could ever sking or stuff a pet of mine. The thought is just too...sad. :( I would bury my snakes and have done so in the past with other pets. (Its a shame most cats only live 16 years) I hope I will not be losing any snake too soon.
I dont' think I could have it stuff or skinned. All the pets I've lost over the years are buried and marked. My pets are like kids to me. will except for the darn cat my daughter wanted.

Okeetee_Corn_Snakes said:
(Its a shame most cats only live 16 years)

:-offtopic OMG you mean my stupid cat can live fer 16 years. :cry: AGGGGGGGGGGG :twoguns:
Whenever I've had bigger animals die(cats, dogs) I've taken them to the spca where they have those animal drop off boxes. When I have small animals die(hamsters and mice) I bury them in front of my apartment. I'm pretty sure the neighbors think I'm weird when they see me sitting under the stairs digging in dirt.
As for snakes, I dunno what I'll do with them. I'm kind of freaked out at the thought of seeing a dead snake. I'd probably take it to the spca or bury it. Hopefully I won't have to make that decision for a looong time.
Well, I actually have some interest in taxidermy and skeletal (what's it called) articulation(? I know that's not the right word but where they put the skeleton together...)...
Don't know if that's contraversial here, (I guess I could understand why it would be) but I think I will try it when the time comes.

For the record, I hope I don't get the chance with any of my snakes for like 30 years...
Thanks for the replys. I had never owned a snake or any other animal for more than a month. I will bury my snake when he passes. Though I dont own one yet.

So far no skinning or stuffed huh.
My pets get graves dug and marked once they're in them. They're an important part of my life, I feel I have to remember them.
I've haven't lost a snake yet*knock on wood* but with my past pets from hamsters to rabbits even goldfish they all get buried in the backyard with a little homemade grave mark. Animals are very important to me I treat all my pets as part of my family so i try and remember them the way i would anyone im my family with respect.
I have a Green Belt behind my house (proected land, with trees and a creek). I put my snake over there.
Oh Elle, that's so sad. I had our favourite guineapig in the freezer for 4 weeks before I could bring myself to say goodbye for good
diamondlil said:
I had our favourite guineapig in the freezer for 4 weeks...

My daughter had a dwarf hamster, a vicious lil rodent. When it died, of course she was heartbroken (my wife and gave a silent little cheer, tho). I placed it in a toilet paper roll, plugged both ends and wrapped it in duct tape. We placed it in the freezer and told Krystal she could bury it in the woods behind our house. Kids being kids, she quickly got over her loss. Parents being parents, we forgot that we had placed in the freezer. It had gotten tucked in the back and covered up. Almost a year later, while cleaning out the freezer my wife goes "uh oh, guess what i found" :crazy02:
I know this is a little :-offtopic , but because of my irregular shifts, my freezer has also played host to various pet mice, hamsters, and a cat. Probably explains why no-one in this household was fazed by frozen mice for the snakes :sidestep: (This is why I never ever pretend to be normal