My two cents on bottled bacteria: it's worth about the price of the bottle it comes in. I know the nomenclature has changed, but these bateria were called Nitrosomonas (for the ones that feed on NH4) and Nitrobacter (for the ones that feed on NO2, the waste product of Nitrosomonas). Both genera are aerobic. The bottles are sealed. I've tried using Cycle, etc. in as identical aquariums (in terms of size, filtration, photoperiod, etc.) with as close to the same bio-load as I could pull off, and measured exactly the same amount of daily food to the 100th of a gram. I've done this a number of times. Results: inconclusive... but certainly no evidence of tanks cycling faster, or spikes of ammonia or nitrites being lower in the tanks using the bottled bacteria.
I'll usually take a sponge filter from a healthy tank, squeeze it out in water from that tank, let it settle, and pour off the clear part on top into the tank I am cycling. If the tanks are both in my home (or store now), I'll do this daily. If I run out of "dirty" sponges, I'll vacuum some gravel and do the same. More often than not, I never even see 1 PPM of either NH4 or NO2 when doing this. Of course, with a well-lit tank full of fast-growing stem plants, I usually never get any detectable measurements of either.
As for ottos, see if there is a store that will order a 25 or so for you and sell them to you in the shipping bag. Tell 'em you'll pay for any DOAs, within reason, and you should be able to get them for about a buck and a half a piece. They are still getting a 30-50% markup, and don't have to suffer any shrinkage themselves. These fish ship poorly, and don't take change or high temps well, but once settled in are quite hardy and nothing eats film algae better! I keep about 50 in each of my 125s, and they are actually really cool to watch! They school at times, especially during water changes, and really keep the glass and plant's leaves clean. SAEs are okay, I like their looks better than the job they do, though. Glad you got the CAEs out. Those things are of the devil.