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  • Hi, Bethany! It's Jessica, Hyp's sister :) just wanted to say Hi and see how those Okeetees are doing.
    I sent you a pm....from the double clutch one egg still looks good....and almost all males in the intital clutch...
    Hi! Nice to hear of the double clutch. I've been ill and not able to deal with the computer since the last time we were messaging. Sorry to have been out of touch!
    I am glad you like Gus! He is a looker. Jay wanted him for a whole year and he was still available the following year so I said go for it. I can contact the gentleman I got him from and see if he has any information on Gus. I will let you know about his clutch with Rya. We are trying to prove out something but have no need to keep doing the same pairing, it was mainly for the fun of it. He was due to eat last weekend but with traveling I didnt feed him. Not that missing a meal would hurt him any! LOL So put him in your feed schedule and he will be just fine.
    I just asked my husband when dinner will be ready (I am lucky, he cooks)..he said 6...LOL...I said keep it warm :)
    My place is a blast zone at the moment too so I understand. It looks like it would take me a bit over an hour to get to Cracker Barrel, so let's say 6 PM? I drive a big old green BMW 740. You?
    As it turned out, I did NOT have to work today so I am hanging out at home doing paperwork & could show up pretty much whenever & wherever, just pop Gus back into a bag & go.
    Gus is here! I'll try to get in touch with you later or in the AM to figure out when to bring him to you.
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