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  • thanks for the anuenue lettuce tip. I just got my Johnny's catalogue, it doesn't list it, but then they have lots of lettuce.
    Thanks for making me laugh this morning! Just the thought of me standing naked in the middle of Maine is frightening....I'd clear the state!! LOL! You're a hoot!
    Mwa ha ha... this is true. I must go now... Tara insists she won't be able to sleep unless I am in the same room in spite of the fact that I will cough and hack all night. Ugh. Wish me luck! Good night, Beth!
    Well, they don't pay my bills, do they? I strive to always do what is right by my own personal sense of ethics and morality. If I can live up to the standards I hold for myself, what others do or say is of no reflection on me.

    Then again that could just be the cold medicine talking. HA! But thanks so much for the post. It does help my resolve to know that at least one person sees what I am talking about and understands. At the very least I am not crazy!
    I see them doing that, but I think you are right. His character stinks. He is not a nice person at all. There are alot nicer people to do business with. And you are very wise not to let others ruffle you.
    Yes... the folks there are making me feel like this is a really petty thing. Maybe it is... but before I posted it I asked myself "Is this information I would have wanted to know about his character?" And the answer is yes... I feel like Tara and I represented ourselves with 100% honesty, while he, very clearly has not. Ah well.... it is out there, let people take from it what they will.
    Yes, I just said that I have never done business with Drew, and never would due to something personal that happened between us before the problems that you and Tara had with him. Then I said that he really isn't choosy about the company he keeps. (yes, I am still really upset about that....lol)
    Wow, good I am glad! You know how I feel about him, and after what he did to you...well....you know how I feel about him!!! :)
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