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  • Hi Betsy, I have a guy in town who delivers to my work whenever I call him. He supplies most of the pet shops here and I think he also supplies the zoo. I am so sorry about your freezer failure, that's a PITA!
    Hey, Beth, where do you order mice from? I had a freezer failure this past weekend...
    See, that's the good thing about having over 30 of them! There is always someone you can handle!! :)
    What did you get?
    Hi Beth
    I am still at work too. My snake count has gone UP! I am suffering from a severe case of new-snake-must-handle but all 3 arrived yesterday so I gotta leave them alone! LOL.
    Hi Beth,
    I been better, I just don't like where I at lately. Me and nine million other people.

    I'll be allright... just got to get my head out of this dark cloud.
    It's like a bad head cold that won't go away.

    How are you???
    The bike shop and all going OK???
    Are you thinking about the next BMX season?
    Ratties don't live long, but he's doing better. Thank you so much, Dave. I have been worried about you. You ok?
    Hi Betsy, thank you for asking. I just got home from work. He is still alive and was just in his igloo washing himself, but I can hear his bad breathing across the room, and he didn't run and greet me like he does when he's feeling good. He is on 3 different medications now, he will be getting his nightly dose soon. I just set up a cage for the little ones.
    Yeah,I have been telling David for months that if it wasn't for Nanci, I would have torn off his face and fed it to Maytag a long time ago!!
    ...an excellent meal for a hungry kingsnake? LOL

    Damn...I knew I should of kept that snake!!! LOL
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