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  • Yay corn porn! I hope Carol's girl is ready tonight. Post some pictures of the action if you can.
    I'm good. Both of my adults shed in the last week. Makes me think that whether Humphrey is a boy or a girl, spring is in the air at my house. Both of the sneaky buggers hid while they were blue so I had no clue until I found the sheds. LOL.

    Have yours started breeding yet?
    Thank you so much Dave! You are such a good friend. I hope your yesterday made up for mine :)
    Beth I logged in to check out what yoy stated and saw that you lost Farrah. I so sorry to hear about this. I know you must be hurting. Sorry I'm not closer to give to a hug.
    Yes, clearly this individual does not like me. Same person that accused Tara of being a PETA plant. Ha. What a moron. Ah well... blocking takes care of it.
    Based on todays action I'm waking some guys up now. The female I have in mind didn't get brumated so who knows when she'll decide to be ready. But she's in the same room as the two going at it right now as I type! Sheesh!
    Beth, the ladies are starting to go wild over here. I had me first breeding today. Ahhhhh! We need to watch for a warm weather window to get your stud muffin here. I'm sooo excited!!
    Hey Beth Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, here's hoping all has been fabulous this season.
    Belated Christmas wishes from across the pond Beth!!! Hope you are enjoying a wonderful holiday with lots of festive cheer! Love and best wishes, Sue xoxo :D
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