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  • Well thank you very much. I like the tribal style of art, and I love wolves, so it seemed like a natural combination haha.
    I figured you were working. I am amazed you have Sunday hours. It is very small but they are working on making it larger. It will be in a hotel in Oct. so I think they are hoping to make it more like the Maine Herp Show which is a nice small show. Your friend would have found a ball python but there are lots out there.
    I had a great day today transplanted lots of sproutlings and plan doing more gardenign tommorow.
    Well I don't like to fight until the get ugly, but lately don't really care. Hope all is well with you.
    I suspect Orozco sp? maybe a bit of a troll. Her CP page is well bright. She says she is 18 but she and hubby got snakes two years ago???
    Better than I had hoped for at the moment... I am housing nigh 50 baby boas- owned by the breeder with whom I am working. Things are turning, but it's not going to be insanely quick... we're talking about large sums of money.
    Thanks for checking on me :)
    Your wishes is all I need :)
    When there are news... and there should be plenty... I will let you know :)
    And no... Solaris has not delivered... and to be perfectly honest, I am becoming positive that she is -not- gravid.
    So nice to meet you too and to find out we have something else in common besides reptiles!
    It's an old Star Trek episode, The leader of the planet is named Landru and any one for the outside is "Not of the Body". I don't know, it was just something to say.
    Oh gosh, Solaris is spread out and not keen on moving... I really think we're getting close.
    Hi Betsy.. thanks for the email address ill be sure to send some pics..let me know what you think..my sand boa got out of her tub and went awol..i hope i find her:( Im glad rocket is behaving for you..she is making mommy proud!! :))
    Hey Betsy- the lumps could be caused by the posture of the animal... it's something to bear in mind.
    Anywhoo... after asking the two people I trust most(them being Alon with whom I work and Larry M from Redtailboas.com) I have decided that there is a chance of her being gravid- and if the shed she went through on January is indeed an indicator that she ovulated, than she should be giving birth somewhere around the end of April, beginning of May.
    It's a possibility... dunno, hehe, I am confused and so are my friends.
    BTW the person I consult with now agrees that she is either ovulating or is gravid(which is more likely)
    Holy crap... she pulled an april fools on me.
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