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The Reputation System is gone.

Rich Z

Staff member
Insiders Club
OK people, I've had enough. Enough people have abused the reputation system causing me some grief and extra work that I just don't need. Yeah, I know it was a minority, but that is all it takes for the majority of people to get upset with their actions, and I am the one having to play the clean up crew.

So effective immediately the reputation system is gone. You can thank any of the people here who decided to use it as a childish weapon against another for this decision to be made.
I accept your decision but I must say I'm a little sad. I thought it was a fun feature but if it made extra work for you then I guess it was up to you.

We all apreciate all the work you put into the site.

Such is life...

It's about this time I wish there was a "smack upside head" key on computers. All you'd have to do is highlight that persons name and WHAMMO! This way Rich could just do that instead. :grin01:

I'll accept your decision to remove the reputation points function, but I certainly don't agree with it.

Why punish the rest of us for the crimes of a handful? I think the majority of people are honest in their use of the rep points. I had only given out maybe 3-4 good points and 1 negative, in my entire time of being here.

I think if someone is being blatantly abusive, such as Corntard79, then I think something should be done. But I think if it doesn't involve someone, then they have no business complaining about it.

To those people: Y'all know who you are. Bitchin' about everytime someone posts about non-sensical things on year old threads and have rep points for nothin. Mind your own business next time. If it concerns you, fine...if not, keep yer trap shut. I don't whine all the damned time I don't get my way or if someone annoys me. If I did, Rich would have shot me full of lead by now. ;)

So thanks for pissin' all my hard work down the drain. And I just got caught up to Quigs' 5 green dots! :cry:
A wise choice.

Generally I would agree with this choice merely because there was abuse, and it allowed people to exploit the system as well.

We need to remember that this board is a great source of information, and if there are undesireable things occurring, regardless of nature, Rich is the man to take care of them. If you dont like his choices, then leave the board. Simple as that.

As a side note, I have noticed that some people are dredging up 3 year old threads just so they can up their post #s. Is there something we can do about that? I don't always read the original post date, and I am guilty of usually just clicking the new posts link and reading from there. Just a question. Thanks for any feedback.

I am sorry if my opinions offend people, but hey, thats what I'm good at...Just ask anyone who talks with me in Chat on my lunchbreaks everyday! :) ( HI spirit, ray-ray, snowball, joe, etc.etc.etc. )

OC :sidestep:

I agree in part with what you've said. I think it's a shame to lose it and it was a useful feature of the site. In recent days on the numerous threads that have popped up about this issue I have asked everyone a number of times if we can just close this chapter, bury the hatchet, fuggedaboudit...yet the verbal sparing and name calling has continued. Fueled by a nuber of 'the wronged', this could have gone on indeffinately so Rich had to do what he had to do.

I too will miss my 2 dots and 16 points. I was quite pleased to have earned my reputation through being known as a 'good-guy' and giving good advice but the points system had been somewhat trivialised of late by the flood of mass posters so something had to be done anyway.

Such is life,
As one of the "wronged" I will only say, the reason, the ONLY reason, I kept remarking about this person was because of his constant bashing of my country. I can take anything anyone can dish out about me personally, but if you bad mouth my country, than I have to retalliate. Just my nature.
Taceas said:
So thanks for pissin' all my hard work down the drain. And I just got caught up to Quigs' 5 green dots! :cry:

He was certainly the Mac Daddy of green dot pimpin'. :cool:

mbdorfer said:
I can take anything anyone can dish out about me personally, but if you bad mouth my country, than I have to retalliate.

We don't take kindly to their kind around here! :grin01:
princess said:
I have asked everyone a number of times if we can just close this chapter, bury the hatchet, fuggedaboudit...
I must admit I find this a bit humorous and ironic to say the least. You in fact are one of the said "offenders" as you have brought the topic up several times and complained in open forum about Robert posting on all the 'Photo Gallery' threads!

As well as talking about newbies asking questions and giving advice without prior experience. Time to face the "facts", much of what is said on these forums as well as on on ALL other forums, not only by that particulary person, is regurgitated from reading and not with said experience! This is human nature, like it or not.

Taceas said:
So thanks for pissin' all my hard work down the drain. And I just got caught up to Quigs' 5 green dots! :cry:
:sidestep: Well , you may have helped some people well gaining the green dots ,so I don't think it's all down the drain.
Man, some of you need lives. If you're not complaining about rep points, you're complaining about how often someone posts in the photo forum, and if not that then you're complaining about the person who's complaining! :laugh:

I'm glad it's gone. I like the idea of knowing who gives good advice (or who not to listen to), but it doesn't always work that way. It's a shame though... it (rep points) would be a nice thing to have if used properly. Ah well... having said that, I won't miss them. Thanks, Rich. :)
I personally liked the rep points because when you are new to these forums and cornsnakes in general and you needed advice, you knew who exactly the person who knew what the hell they were talking about. (Wow, that was a long drawn out sentence! LOL :))

But know that I have been here a while and I have given out some sound, quality advice myself, it was nice that I had some decent rep points going for me.

But this had to stop somewhere. I agree that it was getting out of hand though...
Quigs said:
I must admit I find this a bit humorous and ironic to say the least. You in fact are one of the said "offenders" as you have brought the topic up several times and complained in open forum about Robert posting on all the 'Photo Gallery' threads!

As well as talking about newbies asking questions and giving advice without prior experience. Time to face the "facts", much of what is said on these forums as well as on on ALL other forums, not only by that particulary person, is regurgitated from reading and not with said experience! This is human nature, like it or not.



As well as participating in some of these threads, I've PMed and e-mailed back and forth with a number of people who have been mildly or majorly offending other peoples sensibilities on this forum in a friendly way to ask them to tone down, take it easy or whatever. Sometimes people don't realise they're pi**ing someone off and once they've been gently told, they realise and change their behaviour. In most cases they appreciate the insight as they didn't mean to offend anyone in the first place. I believe intervention before it gets all blown out of proportion is often the best MO rather than the petty name calling match that invariably ensues. The reason I've been doing this in PM form is because I think people don't need to be publicly embarassed. If they were making an honest mistake then it's all cleared up...if they get all hissy about it and keep carrying on, then I take it up in the public arena.

As to all the patriotic americans reading this...this is in no way an attack on your values...perhaps when someone is flaming you the better reaction would be to say 'whatever', rather than get all puffed up. I have a number of american friends, in fact one of my best friends is american and we have this debate regularly. This does seem to be an american phenomenon from my experience, some of my american friends are as perplexed by it as I am.

Let's drop this whole thing and get back to talking about our snakes, OK?

Is there some way we could put number of corns and/or years experience in the profile (to make it mandatory I mean, not just leaving it up to everyone to put it in their sig)? That would at least give everyone a judge of who knows what they're talking about and who doesn't. I understand that people could lie about their experience, but I don't really think there's a fool-proof way to know that everyone is being 100% honest all the time.
TrpnBils said:
Is there some way we could put number of corns and/or years experience in the profile (to make it mandatory I mean, not just leaving it up to everyone to put it in their sig)? That would at least give everyone a judge of who knows what they're talking about and who doesn't. I understand that people could lie about their experience, but I don't really think there's a fool-proof way to know that everyone is being 100% honest all the time.
At least when posting they could let you know if they are giving advise based on personal expierience or if they are repeting what they have read here or elsewhere. example: If someone is to say that you need two hides in every cage, did they read that somewhere or did they romove one hide from each cage and have cornsnakes droping like flies?
I'm sure many can give good advise without first hand expierience , but it would be nice to know what the advise is based on.
There's unfortunately a huge difference between a person who has had one snake for 3 months and read everything in print and on the internet and asked pros advice to someone who's been keeping 30 snakes for 20 years but has an inapropriate environment for them, health problems, neglects the animals....yeah, so these are extremes but they do exist...
I think anyone educated enough to buy a cornsnake and find these forums is going to be able to tell whether advice is sound. And stupid advice gets jumped on pretty quickly around here.
elrojo said:
And stupid advice gets jumped on pretty quickly around here.

Is that elrojo guy on here flapping his gums again?? Some people just don't get the hint. :nope:

elrojoAnd stupid advice gets jumped on pretty quickly around here.

Hahaha I am living proof; post 30 things a day and everyone hates you hahaha but I think we got that resolved, at least I haven’t got any red squared lately :grin01:
TrpnBils said:
Is there some way we could put number of corns and/or years experience in the profile (to make it mandatory I mean, not just leaving it up to everyone to put it in their sig)? That would at least give everyone a judge of who knows what they're talking about and who doesn't. I understand that people could lie about their experience, but I don't really think there's a fool-proof way to know that everyone is being 100% honest all the time.

The problem would inevitably arise as to credibility of such claims. Anyone who would likely cause friction here would also be quite tempted to inflate their claims about their experience level. So then an escalating war would result as people tried to make the horn they toot sound louder then the other guy.

I think given enough input from everyone here, the truth should eventually become very apparent as to who knows what they are talking about and who doesn't. The real difficulty is going to be grasping the concept that "truth" doesn't necessarily have to mean ONE thing. It may be different things for different people. Things like egg incubating medium and things like that have no one truthful answer.