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    Sorry about the strictness of this requirement, but it is necessary to block spammers and scammers at the door as much as possible.

The Reputation System is gone.

Will old red dots comments be erased or do they stay on a member's permanent record?
They will remain there. I'm not about to spend the time necessary to go in and erase each and every one of them.

Roger, Roger!

Sorry Rich, I didn't realize that wasn't an automatic function. I guess that means I'll just need to behave?

CAV said:
Sorry Rich, I didn't realize that wasn't an automatic function. I guess that means I'll just need to behave?


That will be the day.

Sorry Rich that this is causing such a big headache, but I do have to agree with people here that the rep system does help out a lot. It is really nice to have a way to say thanks to someone for good advice.
CAV said:
Sorry Rich, I didn't realize that wasn't an automatic function. I guess that means I'll just need to behave?


Please note that no one can now leave negative reputation points. Only positive ones or none at all.

Except me, of course.... :grin01:
Rich Z said:
Please note that no one can now leave negative reputation points. Only positive ones or none at all.

Except me, of course.... :grin01:

You may not want to advertise that too much...you might get flooded with emails asking for you to pass out the red dots because of small inconsequential things.
Thanks Rich!

I think a pat on the back now and then is great for people, when appropriate. And the idea of "say something good or nothing at all" is the way to go in this forum. In the rare instances of persistent problems, members will have to rely on you to right the problem. But that is what ultimately happened previously anyway, so I think this is the best compromise possible.

Thanks for your hard work - sure don't know when you have time to take care of a zillion corns to boot!!
pcar said:
You may not want to advertise that too much...you might get flooded with emails asking for you to pass out the red dots because of small inconsequential things.

Emails of that nature will likely just be ignored..... :cool:
CAV said:
Then I rescind my previous offer. :grin01:
Ha Ha Cav :grin01: When I wrote that I had just read an email from someone who was very hurt by everything. I was feeling depressed about it.I Get that way sometimes. sorry for all the flip floping.