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The Reputation System is gone.

I think we are better off with out the point system.
The fact, that some one makes a lot of posts, or donated money to the forum. Does not, mean that their advice, is any better, worse, or important than anyone else’s.
Advice here should be taken with a grain of salt.
This is not rocket science we are doing, and there is more than one way to skin a cat. There is no one and only rule for each situation.
BiLL1024 said:
The fact, that some one makes a lot of posts, or donated money to the forum. Does not, mean that their advice, is any better, worse, or important than anyone else’s.


What brought this up??? :shrugs:
It was mentioned in several posts, that maybe only contributors should give out reputation points. Or get reputation points only if you contribute.
I don’t think that that is a great idea, as per my reason stated.
Reputation is all about giving good advice. Being sociable, and considerate of other people, getting along with others.(At least a good reputation is.)
Not how many posts, or if you donate.

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I hope that getting rid of (or altering, if it is reinstated) the reputation system also has an effect on the elitism, if that's the right word, and the general nastiness here just of late.
Ok it's only a forum on the internet but being slated for no good reason - and in the case of some poor folks just for being compulsively FRIENDLY - is ridiculous and sad. Members will end up leaving altogether rather than bother with it. 'Newbies' or unregistered visitors who stumble along certain threads will think twice before they post here at all. Hell, I may well get some backlash for this post, but it's quite obvious to me.

BiLL1024 said:
The fact, that some one makes a lot of posts, or donated money to the forum. Does not, mean that their advice, is any better, worse, or important than anyone else’s
Absolutely. A new member or one with few posts may have kept and bred corns for years and have invaluable advice to give. When I first joined up it was because I was worried about my snake, and it mattered not to me whether the responses I got were from people with 5 or 500 posts. Just to have the support and advice for people who need it is what counts.

What a sad situation.. I truly hope this forum can get back to how it used to be. Will browse every so often for the time being, it's much easier to just read the posts that interest one whilst keeping one's trap shut :)

Best wishes to all.
Bearing in mind that this is purely a subjective distinction, but if somone notices any one person in particular that is being generally nasty, just take note of the various posts you have noted and send the evidence to me. I will look into it and make my own determination of whether they need to remain here or not.
I did like the rep points system, it did give a "sort of" insight for newbies to see whose info would be best to listen to. NOT that those who are newer don't have good info to give; they would just have to earn points from others to show that they were. It isn't/wasn't a perfect system but it was a system. Sadly it just got twisted out of shape.

Fact of Life: Everything in human nature is "flawed." There is nothing that man does or gets involved in that does not have the opportunity to be messed up. Heck, the only things guaranteed in life, as the saying goes, is death and taxes. I am not eager for death and I hate taxes, but they're facts of life. Well, the other guarantee in life is that we will all run into irritating situations and irritating people. It is how we choose to react or respond to such that is our choice. AND it is our choice in how we respond to the "reprimand" that we may receive. But I have a feeling this mess would not fast be repeated. I think the message has been spoken pretty loud and clear.

I wouldn't mind seeing the reps brought back, but maybe under the situation of only positives as you suggested, Rich. Or whatever way is thought to be best suited. But I am content to go with the flow either way, brought back or not.

I understand that you would not want to be pestered for petty bickering and childish fighting and anything that would cause such an action would not be wanted. I think you do a great job with this site and also it is great that you let this forum be free of the "heavy" rules that you could place on it. I suppose there will always be situations like this arising since there is much freedom on this site, but I hope that they are very few and far between. Whatever your choice is, I thank you for the work and time you put into this.

That is just my .02 cents on this part of the subject.
I have to be honest - I never paid a blind bit of notice to the rep points. :shrugs: A variety of answers from all types of individuals gives a more rounded view of a subject. If I give advice then people can take it or leave it at their own discretion. Likewise when I read through other people's advice I use my own discretion on which would work for me or not. That, to me, is the beauty of forums.
Tracee said:
I hope that getting rid of (or altering, if it is reinstated) the reputation system also has an effect on the elitism, if that's the right word, and the general nastiness here just of late.
Well said, not all of us who post on the forum are as experienced and it is a great place to learn, but I have always been bothered a bit by what I call "snake snobbery' that is, when experienced members jump all over the newbies and make them feel unwelcome. After all they were new once and someone helped them! We can't all afford hundreds of fancy morphs and huge racks full of breeders right off the bat but that doesn't make us or our posts any less valid. Maybe not having the rep points will make it better. I've wanted to say this for a while actually, it feels good to get it off my chest!
I know what you mean shed'n my skin. Personally I do miss the rep point system purely because it was nice to see others' feedback. Not for the little number or number of green boxes, but to see what others thought of your posts. Is it possible to make it so people can give feedback but for it not to show on rep points?

On a side note, us having to pay for the site will cause a major drop in members I think, I for one won't be able to come onto the site anymore...

Rich did what he thought was right and would help him manage the site easier, remember we wouldn't have it at all if he thought it was too much bother. I trust his decision.
Well it's back. I was down on it , but I'm glad it only gives the opertunity to give positive feedback. I do have a few people I want to know that I apretiate thier posts.
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Just a thought from my side.
One sad thing I noticed on many boards.

If there is no reputation system, you won't get much positive feedback on your advices. Negative - of course, but I barely get a "thank you" or "helped me a lot" from the users, although they write on other or even the same board a few days later, that "this and that" worked fine for them.
But, as soon as there is such a system, people do it. That makes me asking myself - why do they?
I think it's because if you give positive reputation, you hope you recieve them either. It's like with the many "photo"-Sites we have here in Germany. People with ugly photos get many positive comments, just because the write 100 a day and know 300 people and everyone feels that he HAS to give something positive back and nothing different. If someone gave you 20 positive comments on your pictures and already got 20 positive for his pictures - who is brave enough to say "sorry, that is really not good, because... (honest and correct explanation to follow)". From what I've seen and read, nearly no one.
I don't think that everyone acts like that, but I also don't think that everyone uses negative reputation as a weapon. There will be a minority that will misuse these things and that shakens the whole stuff a lot (just as Rich said in the first posting).

Imho - I don't need the system, I don't look at the points or something. Perhaps we'd all do better if we say "thank you" or give positive feedback a little more often - perhaps per PM - but don't get into the trap of YOU MUST give the feedback or "the user has 400000 points - I CAN'T give HIM a negative comment." I think it's a main aspect of a discussion to get positive and negative comments, that's the only way to improve yourself.

...my 2cc and greetings
hehehe -that's funny, I've been on the site today for 20 minutes before reading this post and I didn't even notice that we have the 'dots and numbers' back!!! And here I was going on about how I missed it! Silly me! :crazy02:

Thanks Rich,

I am glad that the rep system is back. What are the new rules? I tried to give some points but the balance logo does not work?
I played around with the settings a bit before re-enabling this function. So this will give you an idea of how the reputation points are awarded to everyone:
Did you change other things? I was just checking the balance logo and all I can do is give good reputation point (I didn't want to give bad one but I was just checking if it was all like before).

That is correct. I removed the capability of anyone giving someone else negative reputation points. You can treat this as a "if you can't say something nice about someone's posts, don't say anything at all" kind of a system. That will prevent the abuse I was seeing earlier.
Fair enough...good philosophy. I hope it doesn't come back to smack you in the teeth if there's a run of 'difficult' people that you have to deal with personally. I think in part the negative possibility may have kept some people from saying as much as they would have liked to for fear of retaliation....

....but you're being a good parent figure to us all here Rich, we couldn't play nicely, so you took away the toy for a bit to make your point and then gave it back to us with some modifications so we won't go around hurting each other! If anyone tries again they might get a time-out!!!