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A bunch of different questions for a new snake mom

Musk is usually clear (both times I've gotten musked there was no visible fluid, just a rather pungent musky smell. I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but to me it smelled similar to grasshopper "spit" (the brown stuff) I think your little one actually went to the bathroom on you...if it (sorry for the slightly gross description) resembled wet bird poo? Yup, he went to the bathroom on you.
hahaha!! It was wet, and mostly clear but it did have a few off white/light green chunks in it lol. And it sure did not smell pretty that's for sure. I wasn't a lot at all, but I held him up looking to see if I could see at all of he was male or female and transferred him to the tank. So I wasn't holding him for to long. Any time I have ever handled him it has only been a couple of minutes at a time. Weighing him quickly tonight was the longest I've handled him.
Just really wanted to know what he weighed so that I had (or could get) some idea of how to handle the next feeding. Someone told me he could have refused because the pinkie was to large but he wasn't even interested in it enough to size it up I don't think. I don't know, could have been a million things. I just hope the next time goes smoothly.
1 congrats on the new baby! 2 I really hope you get your little guy to eat. I do agree that giving him a bit more time to get settled in might help. I know it's really hard when you're worried about him, but it will give him time to get comfortable and to work up an appetite.
It's not very common for them to musk, but I wouldn't doubt it because he's so small. He's probably a nervous little thing! The white lumps sounds like he peed on you. Usually they'll go number one and number two at the same time. Considering how small he is, he might not have eaten yet, so you probably didn't miss any poo. But that's okay :) prepare to be a human toilet! I can't tell you how many times I've been peed and pooed on. You'll learn to recognize when they're about to do it.
He is small and the more I see him the more I really notice how underweight he is, especially compared tonight snakes I've seen. And I'm already pretty used to being a human toilet with the birds in the house lol. My husband's cockatiel makes it a point to poop on me any chance she can get lol. It's a small price to pay I think. :)
He doesn't explore though either. At all, that I've noticed. He's always in the exact same spot every time I peek my head in at him. And he didn't really explore when I first put him in there either.
Not exploring at all is a little odd...maybe you just got a really really shy baby? (or he's exploring when you aren't looking?) He also could be trying to conserve energy perhaps?
I usually check on him while I'm at home every couple of hours or so (do my best not to disturb him at all just peek in the tank) and I was even sitting in there last night in the dark seeing if he would come out when it was dark in the room and explore and he never did. He could possibly be moving around late at night and while I'm at work but he always looks like he's in the exact same spot. I don't know, just makes me worry about him. He is super, super sweet the couple of times I have held him. with all the other snakes that I've seen on here and stuff, even the hatchlings, he's just so skinny. I am going to try and feed him Friday night and see how that goes. Maybe he is just one that takes a long time to adjust? But I got him really skinny and didn't realize it at the time, they just said he was young. I don't want anything to happen to him and I really don't want to take him back but I almost feel that maybe I need to if he doesn't feed for me so maybe they can do what they need to for him to survive? I don't know. I'm an overprotective mom lol. My babies are all my kids and I want to do the best for them.
I think you will take better care of him than the pet store will. Baby corn snakes usually spend most of their time hiding, but will move around at night. Him being in the same spot all the time is a bit worrying, to me.
Just saying.... the waiting game SUCKS lol. I want my baby to eat and put on some weight and be healthy and this waiting is not fun. Just keep telling myself that we will see what Friday brings and maybe he will eat for me but with as skinny as he seems you think he would be hungry and eat? Or be out exploring?
Usually when they're out exploring, it means that they're looking for food and/or an escape route. Have you held him at all? Did he seem alert and active with his tongue flicking? Or did he seem more lethargic? Most baby corns (although there are exceptions) are pretty active when you're holding them.

I still recommend leaving him alone until feeding day, just wondering if you have held him previously.
I did hold him when I first brought him home, but only very briefly to add stuff to his temporary tank for the night where he stayed until the next night (I took photos of him in the critter keeper) and then the next day I held him when I transferred him to his 10 gallon tank (and take a couple of pictures of him in my hand but still only briefly). Sunday I just transferred him to the critter keeper to try and feed him and then back to his tank an hour and a half later. I did weigh him last night also. Every time I have picked him up he is very active. Tongue is always going. Even got one picture while he was in my hand with his tongue out just a little bit lol. He did sit in my hand and just hung out for a little while while I was taking pictures but he definitely is active while I have handled him. I have no plans on handling him until I go to feed him. I definitely want him to eat!!
Lol, well that's reassuring! :D I just feel like a psycho paranoid newbie!

Can you tell me the best way to brain a pinkie?
The few times I have done it, I thaw the pinky first and then just use a toothpick to poke a hole right through the skull. I've also used an Xacto knife to cut/poke a hole in the skull. At that age, the pinkies have pretty soft bones still, so it's not difficult.
I think I am going to do it right away before I even offer the pinkie. Boil it and brain it and put it in the container with him and hopefully he won't hesitate!