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ACLU... I hate you.

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US soldiers died so that our citizens can be gay?

See, this is the stuff that World Net Daily should be reporting.

Has anyone told this to James Dobson yet?


I hav sufaree tooo. Im typinnng on it naw.

Mine has spell checker.

I hav sufaree tooo. Im typinng on it naw

All that is red is what Safari is telling me to change.

That is not even the point. Spelling does not determine the character of a person. Especially on an internet forum.
What is MORE sad is that these people DIED so that YOU CAN be a lesbian and do whatever you want,

Except get married so that benefits can be shared and certain rights can be had. So... uhm... I guess that's not "whatever you want". Once again the english language is thoroughly mangled and new definitions substituted.

People have the right to be gay or straight

Now we have to have "rights" to be the way nature intended? And homosexuals don't truly have a "right" to be so in this country. They can't marry in the majority of states, they are still thoroughly persecuted in many places, most agencies will refuse to adopt to them. Not much freedom there.
Mine has spell checker.

I hav sufaree tooo. Im typinng on it naw

All that is red is what Safari is telling me to change.

That is not even the point. Spelling does not determine the character of a person. Especially on an internet forum.

Sorry. I thought you were trying to become a journalist.
Mine has spell checker.

I hav sufaree tooo. Im typinng on it naw

All that is red is what Safari is telling me to change.

That is not even the point. Spelling does not determine the character of a person. Especially on an internet forum.

Honor and respect don't either.

You dishonor your dead by trying to speak for them. You dishonor your dead for distilling their sacrifice into a personal pulpit. You dishonor your dead for trying to take away the freedom they died for.

Freedom to say "I don't like what my country is becoming."

Freedom to say "I disagree with what my country is doing."

Using their deaths to try to guilt people into supporting your perspective is abhorrent. Why don't you explain why a cross must stay in place without resorting to whoring your soldiers' memories?
Sorry. I thought you were trying to become a journalist.

I AM a Journalist... I rarely see red lines under what I type. Very, very rarely.
Which is why our gay servicemen and servicewomen are soooooo tolerated

I said they have FREEDOM to do that. Never said anyone would like it. I think it's nasty.
So don't they also have the right to not want a cross on government land. Whether one agrees with the sentiment or not, the right is there.

Well I want it there. Forever. And thats where the conflict is.
Keep dreaming! There's more to journalism than proper grammar and spelling-- and you aren't even proficient in those areas yet! But best of luck!

Yes, I am a journalist and no one will tell me otherwise. Just because I am a journalist doesn't mean I am going to hold back my own beliefs just to make others "happy."
And Inanna and Hecate and Zeus and Odin and The Flying Spaghetti Monster and the Invisible Pink Unicorn. May they all bless every person on this planet.
Well I want it there. Forever. And thats where the conflict is.

Ahh. Precisely. And so we come to the point. You want it there. Person X does not. Who's right. Perhaps we should ask the wildlife that inhabit the area, they can be the tie breaker :shrugs:

A Christian would say that only God can decide who is right and who is wrong, so perhaps their vote doesn't even count :shrugs:
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