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amel sunkissed and honey

Number 1 and number 5 are very beautiful. Do you have any photo updates?

mambo nr.5 after the latest shed
sunkissed 66% ph.amel caramel ph.anery motley

Naagas, the snakes in this thread are just a few months shy of being yearlings! :dancer:

Dayyyyng, Anery Sk Mot guy just keeps getting more and more amazing. He definitely makes me want to hold onto my pair with hets very tight! I hope they make something even half as nice as him.

I also wish you were on my side of the sea so I could behold him in person. Not that you should let me anywhere near your house.. :duck:
I realized that after I commented. The first pics were pipping pics... I guess it has nothing to do with the time of year! Lol!
Hi Holger!!
Your sunkissed 66% ph.amel caramel ph.anery motley is aaaamazing!
I love this coloration!

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i think hold your pair and just tryet, maybe you have luck :cool:

"I also wish you were on my side of the sea so I could behold him in person. Not that you should let me anywhere near your house.. ""
in december we have christmas :santa: *bigsmile*
Wowie. That Sunkissed Anery Motley is looking better and better every time.

I'm hoping for one of those this year, fingers crossed.