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Apparently I've turned into an Arabian rescue...


I had no idea Az. regulates and tracks horses so carefully! I never heard of that in Florida, although I haven't had a horse here for many years. The obvious question, I guess, is what did the county database say about the ownership of the horses on that property?
Interesting pedigree! I start recognizing horses in the great great grandsire/dam generation. Did I ever tell you I have a drawing (my own) of Nabiel in my bedroom?
Kathy - I'm not able to get a hold of those records, but we are working together with the Humane Society and the Sheriff's department on this case since it is technically neglect/abandonment. The only info I have about the owners of that property are names, and that the Sheriff's department has not been able to locate them. They have no new properties in Maricopa or Pinal county.

Nanci, I'm with you on this. I recognize the older generations too. The nifty thing is that on her Dam side, she is a distant cousin to Smokey, Bella, and Sadar. They all have ties to the Ansata lines.

No you never told me that btw! Please tell me you have a scanner! Or at least take a picture of it! I used to have an old painting of Ibn Moneit El Nefous hanging in my room for the longest time, but I think it got shuffled in the move. A friend of my Uncle's painted it for my Grandfather about 20 years ago. (Ibn Moniet was his all-time favorite stallion), and when he died Grandma gave it to me.
This is one of my favorites. I never had it framed, it's still in the sketch book. It's just some Arab, I don't remember who.


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You drew those yourself?! Holy crap Nanci! Those are spectacular! Are they charcoal?
Conte crayon. It's like a really hard oil pastel, sort of. Thank you! That means a lot, coming from an Arab person!!
This is a picture I have in my bedroom. That's Dillbird, when he was young, before he lost his leg. He's the one who broke the glass by making this drawing fall off the wall...I have some beautiful drawings that I did on the computer, but I don't know where they are! Not on my laptop. Look how old this one is, 20 years. Back when I had energy!


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You are indeed very talented! You should get back into drawing lady! I can think of one horsey person that would love a picture of her favorite stallion... :D

I didn't even realize you did those yourself - thought you got them from some artist! COOL - didn't know you are so talented! I don't remember you posting in any of the various old artist threads we have had. Of course, you might have and I forgot - that would be par for the course, lol!

Do you do anything besides horses?
Well, probably a horse was the first thing I ever drew...I do birds. Raptors in particular. I have done dogs, but horses are what I love. And I quilt. Or did, when I lived up in Minnesota. The picture of Dillbird has a quilt I made in the background. I guess when I was a teenager I drew raccoons a lot.
Maybe if we do another benefit raffle in Daytona next year, you could do a cool art piece for it? Maybe you can do one of your tortoises, or corns? Lots of time to practice yet, lol!
I found a little copy of a computer drawing I did:


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This is my daughter's Senegal, drawn on the computer, for a webpage.


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Cool - I especially like the bird. The glittery highlighting of the horses is not as appealing to me, but is just an individual preference. How about some herps?
This is Dilbird, right before he had his leg amputation. You can see he holds it up, but I had no idea it would need to be amputated at that time. I wonder where the originals are...


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Now if only I could draw a logo for myself!! Yeah, the horse drawing wasn't originally glittery. I just did that for a webpage. It's probably on a computer I had before the laptop before this one!!
Just a quick update:

I received word from the last registered owner, who is located in Oregon. She was able to give the name, phone, and address of the couple who bought her in 2007. The address is located in Arizona, but in the high country. Unfortunately, the phone number is a wrong number and the address is also listed under a different family. The name that she gave us is also not the same name as the family that owned the residence she was last found at.


Well, back to square one I suppose. On a good note though, in a week my Aunt can officially request transfer of ownership. It will be much longer than that to see if it is granted though, since ads and petitions need to be posted. This will allow ample time for anyone who has an honest claim to her to make their presence known.

In the meantime, she's been hanging with her buddies and the other rescue horses at my Aunt's place. I have not taken her to my parent's farm, as I think that would be preemptive. However, I have ridden over Bella to meet her. What a spectacle that was to see the girls exchange greetings!

I'll keep you updated as this progresses.
It sure doesn't sound like her real owners are going to be easy to contact. I don't think they'll come forward. Who knows? I do hope you get to keep her and give the forever home she deserves.
Seems to me that if the owners really wanted her, they would probably be making some efforts through some of the same avenues you have researched, and would have found you by now. Hope you get to keep her! Then Nanci can do a portrait of her, lol!