----- Original Message -----
From: Misty Lundberg
To: Rich Zuchowski
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 8:10 PM
Subject: Ban me? =P
Feel free to ban me...but here's a good idea of what we put up with every night...
Pay attention to Clarinet45, she causes trouble just about every time she's in CS.
RealChat Server Version 2.2.2a, Enterprise Edition
Welcome to the FaunaClassifieds Chat Room!
10 people in 9 rooms.
Taceas_CS entered the room.
You are in Cornsnakes.
There are 1 people in the room.
Cornsnakes [1] Taceas_CS,
No Tards [9] Serpwidgets_CS, Hurley_CS, jazzgeek_CS, Daeraelle_CS, Candy_Cane1_CS, Fenderplayer108_CS, shed_n_my_skin_CS, jzal8_CS, lefty_mussolini_CS,
Taceas_CS is going to No Tards
Taceas_CS entered the room.
You are in No Tards.
There are 10 people in the room.
Room owner: Serpwidgets_CS
lefty_mussolini_CS: LOL
jazzgeek_CS: Ooooh, and the sweat!
Candy_Cane1_CS: FLAMO
Serpwidgets_CS: LMAO @ Misty
Taceas_CS: Oook.
Serpwidgets_CS: WHat did you do already?
Taceas_CS: Beats the hell out of me.
Candy_Cane1_CS: Taceas_CS: that was odd
CARattler40_CS entered the room.
Taceas_CS: Got lagged to hell coming in here.
CARattler40_CS: Testing.
lefty_mussolini_CS: me too
Serpwidgets_CS: 1, 2, 3
CARattler40_CS: Heh.
jazzgeek_CS: wb Carlos who sucks at the internet where nothing happens
CARattler40_CS: LOL
CARattler40_CS: ty Dale.
Taceas_CS: So, I'm guessing we had some boa talk earlier?
CARattler40_CS: Of course.
Serpwidgets_CS: And leotards.
Taceas_CS: Usual suspects?
jazzgeek_CS: yeah
CARattler40_CS: Yup
Serpwidgets_CS: R_A and some other fauna person
jazzgeek_CS: 5 minutes to Wapner
CARattler40_CS: People who lacked the _CS at the end of their name.
Hurley_CS: Yeah
Taceas_CS: lol
lefty_mussolini_CS: did anyone see the guy the other day that asked what the most money any of us has sold a corn for?
CARattler40_CS: Yes.
Taceas_CS: No.
lefty_mussolini_CS: I told him Trundlefart Corn for 250,000
CARattler40_CS: I've seen the "what's the most expensive and popular corn morph nowadays?" question a million times.
Serpwidgets_CS: Heh, did everyone say 5 dorrar?
Hurley_CS: One hundred BILLION dollars.
Taceas_CS: And agreed Carlos...I've seen it enough times already this year.
Candy_Cane1_CS: Hurley_CS: Is that rasom money?
jazzgeek_CS: I've got some het Trundlefarts that I'm gonna be selling cheap.
clarinet45 entered the room.
lefty_mussolini_CS: he said "I doubt that"
Serpwidgets_CS: LOL
CARattler40_CS: LOL
CARattler40_CS: I'm getting sick of this lag.
clarinet45: why can't we talk about boas?
Serpwidgets_CS: Wasn't that a card game?
CARattler40_CS: 'cause Boas suck.
Daeraelle_CS has left the room.
Candy_Cane1_CS: Im not lagging at all o-o;
clarinet45: lol
lefty_mussolini_CS: and I said "I SWARE REED ABOWT IT IN TEH KATY MANULA!!!11"
clarinet45: what about beardies?
CARattler40_CS: LOL
Taceas_CS: Preferrably not.
clarinet45: what about balls?
lefty_mussolini_CS: and then he left
CARattler40_CS: Balls suck.
Taceas_CS: What about the lobby?
Fenderplayer108_CS: lol lets go to the cornsnake forum to talk about boas
CARattler40_CS: #
lefty_mussolini_CS: Suck Balls?
clarinet45: is that why you don't have any? lol
Candy_Cane1_CS: XD
http://www.cafepress.com/cronsankes.72820826 <--------- I love this. I want this.
Serpwidgets_CS: BUUUUUURN!
clarinet45: this is the 'no tards' room, not the cornsnake room
CARattler40_CS: Why are you here then, Sara?
clarinet45: why are you so uptight about the cornsnake room anyway?
lefty_mussolini_CS: No Tards... sponsored by Corn Snakes
CARattler40_CS: Hey I think it's raining.
Taceas_CS: Because we don't like snobs.
jazzgeek_CS: why do you presume we're uptight?
Fenderplayer108_CS has left the room.
Taceas_CS: If you don't like it, you can leave the same way you came in.
clarinet45: cause i get a ton of ppl in the lobby telling me about this bitch Taceas that puts them down for being in the cornsnake room
Daeraelle_CS entered the room.
lefty_mussolini_CS: the Cron Sankes shirt is RAD
jazzgeek_CS: and when was the last time you heard someone say "uptight"? I think it was Season 2, episode 5 of "The Mod Squad" for me.
clarinet45: lol
Serpwidgets_CS: Dude if you came in here to fight with someone, you can go elsewhere.
CARattler40_CS: srsly.
clarinet45: i'm not fighting
lefty_mussolini_CS: buleeted?
clarinet45: i come in to talk to ppl and i get &*!@ing attacked
jazzgeek_CS: no, you're not fighting. You're just being a cunt.
Taceas_CS: So get the feck out.
lefty_mussolini_CS: delteeded?
CARattler40_CS: Attacked?
clarinet45: you're a cunt
Serpwidgets_CS: Srsly
clarinet45: ah, i was being sarcastic?
jazzgeek_CS: Great retort. The Pee-Wee Herman School of Debate.
CARattler40_CS: LOL
Taceas_CS: lol
Candy_Cane1_CS: LOL
jazzgeek_CS: "I know you are, but what am I?"
Serpwidgets_CS: And you really need to ask now why we created our own room?
clarinet45: or is this the no-humor room?
CARattler40_CS: Yeah, we have no humor.
lefty_mussolini_CS: Mommy... Daddy... stop fighting
CARattler40_CS: Jokes? What are those?
clarinet45: thought so
clarinet45 has left the room.
CARattler40_CS: #
Serpwidgets_CS: Srsly
Serpwidgets_CS: What a dick.
Candy_Cane1_CS: Yeah.
jazzgeek_CS: Mommy and Daddy fight because you cry too much.
Serpwidgets_CS: No wonder she's on Fauna.
lefty_mussolini_CS: ROFL
CARattler40_CS: Dunno what her problem is, she was alright most of the time.
Candy_Cane1_CS: LOL
CARattler40_CS: was
Serpwidgets_CS: Ya, was.
Taceas_CS: She was alright till she called me names for giving away my mean beardie.
Taceas_CS: A few months back