First off, we have no problem with 'the Fauna people' in general.
This is true. Alicia (Mooing Tricycle) comes in occasionally and nobody picks a fight with her. She was all happy that we remembered her name.
To add to that transcript, the conversation at that time was about a snake Caroline hatched. I was trying to explain why I thought it might not be a hypo. Immediately before Joe_Jo entered the room, this is what transpired:
stephen_CS: what color is its tongue?
CornCrazy_CS: He could still be a hypo okeetee "phase," Caroline...het caramel and lavender, possible het amel.
breedingcolors_CS: lol Stephen, sorry I don't know
Serpwidgets_CS: Heh heh
stephen_CS: check
CornCrazy_CS: Chuck was just being a butthead...
CornCrazy_CS: LOL
Serpwidgets_CS: No, I'm serious.
breedingcolors_CS: ok I'll have to get back to you on this one
Joe_Jo entered the room.
stephen_CS: butthead
CornCrazy_CS: LOL
Serpwidgets_CS: I think that is one of those snakes that will later "prove" that you can cross hypo X hypo and get non-hypos.
I just thought that should be added because I'm sure that could have been taken out of context to make it look like stephen was calling the guy a butthead the instant he came in.
Anyway, here is my perspective on the chatroom: I think of it as "Corn Cheers."
As Katie said, when she comes in she is greeted with "Hi Katie" as opposed to "Hi PtDnsr." Everyone knows each others' names and addresses them by name.
It is not a group of strangers talking about corns all the time. Instead it's more like a bar or restaurant you'd go to after work for Happy Hour, to hang out, talk about your day, vent about your frustrations, your hopes and dreams, and sometimes talk shop about the things you have in common. I know a lot about the goings on in peoples' lives, what happened at work, how they feel about their jobs and certain relatives, what kind of music they like, what they are learning in school or want to study in college, and I barely know what any of their snakes are or if they even have a cornsnake.
The topic in there is not really "corns" it is "what is happening in your life? How was your day? What's new with you? Did you see this video clip on youtube?"
And people will also talk about threads that they read, and will link it in the chatroom so other people can read it. They will discuss the thread and sometimes a lot of people will end up replying to it because, well, they just read it and had something to say. Nobody sits around discussing "Hey, I will post this, then you post that, then the next person posts this..."
As far as the whole "clique" thing, if it really is some kind of exclusive club, this doesn't explain how Galen, and Louri, and Nancy, and Candace, and Greg, and Page came into the room once and were instantly "part of the clique" and greeted by their names the second time they came into the chat room. These are all people who just came in recently and are already "in."
Also, if it were a clique, I wouldn't have defended Elle when Ryan was trying to roast her for cohabbing her corns. Nor would I have said nice things about Vinny. Oh and BTW when Vinny came in last night, Carlos said hi and tried to strike up a conversation with him.
When people come in and they join the conversation, there isn't a problem.
99% of the problems that come up are when someone comes in from fauna, and it's because of their attitude that we exist to answer their questions or that we are supposed to change the topic because they don't like corns. Maybe some of the people who are now saying "everyone is mean" were genuinely being mean and nasty and getting off by doing so. But some of us just feel like we are trying to enjoy Happy Hour at the bar with our friends and people come into the bar and say, "Oh you look like an auto mechanic, come on outside and listen to this funny noise my car is making and help me fix it." And yes, when someone acts crazy, after they leave people are going to look at each other and say "what was that guy's problem?"
I just find it amazing that people can read Joe_Jo's reaction, or clarinet's log of coming into a room where the topic is explicitly listed as "NOT BOAS!" and immediately ask "why can't I talk about boas," and call Taceas a bitch, and try to pick a fight with everyone, and after all that their reaction is, "gee, I wish more people with this mentality would hang around in the chat room." :shrugs: