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Davids Boa Thread...or not!!


New member
Queztacoytl, I have a question for you. Did you hack into Davids account and start a bogus thread about him getting boas? You know David gets himself in enough trouble all by himself and didn't need your help...thats if you honestly did this in the first place. I have to wonder why anyone would go out of their way to be so nasty and immature towards another member of our community. I had thought about keeping this to PM, but honestly I thought everyone should know what you did...if you in fact did this. Do you need a more involved hobby, have too much time on your hands, or are you just this ridiculous? People here have a love hate relaionhip with David as it is and no one needed your help or your digusting antics. If you did this David deserves an appology and you my friend have just shown yourself for who you are. In the future keep your DB crap to yourself its not appreciated here!
I would like to know the real story too....
I read the boa thread, and it was all I could do to not reply.....
That person sounded EXACTLY the way David used to.....
but it does seem to me that David would know that 2 species from different countries have different requirements....I mean he's not that dumb....
and he has always been a ratsnake guy..so how would boas figure into his breeding plans?

Anyway, I read the thread, and went to play farmville,..and he ims me over at FB telling me his account has been hacked. And that he never started a boa thread.....
I had to leave (went to see It's complicated)....
I get back and his forum is gone, and so is his contrubuter status...

Now if it really WAS David who started the boa thread,...well.... I wouldnt be upset if he were permabanned.....

But I am not entirely convinced it WAS David....and if it wasnt David....he needs an apology, and his status reinstated, and the guilty party needs to pay for what he did....
Can't let what go WADE! I agreed he's a piece of crap if indeed he did that, but I also reserve the right to have an opinion and have the right to have Rich look deeper into it. WHAT is the problem with me voicing that? GEESH.

I did not read the thread in question. But if the stolen identity really happened and was discovered by Rich, I am guessing the perpetrator will be banned, and we won't see his antics around here again.

I was also contacted by David on FB. I am hoping the truth will come out shortly so that this episode can be closed.
I did read part of it, and though I don't usually pay too much attention to the David threads, I have to admit that it didn't sound much like him to me. I'd be suspicious.
A few weeks (months?) ago, someone hacked David's FB account and posted some disgusting photos. I didn't see them, but I heard about it and knew that this wasn't something that David would do. I'm curious to know if it's the same person, and if so, how we can get him the psychological help he needs to go on to be a productive member of society?
I have been looking into it as deeply as my limited IT talent will allow and I personally believe that David is telling the truth. Queztacoytl is the name that keeps coming up. I personally hope he is perma-banned.

For those of you who take great delight in beating David down at every opportunity, I hope you will have the balls to come back and apologize when the whole story is told.
Yeah, if that's the case, whoever was trying to sound like David did a pretty poor job of it- it's pretty hard to fake someone else's writing style, tone, and personality convincingly. I was suspicious myself and I don't even know David that well, if at all.
I have been looking into it as deeply as my limited IT talent will allow and I personally believe that David is telling the truth. Queztacoytl is the name that keeps coming up. I personally hope he is perma-banned.

For those of you who take great delight in beating David down at every opportunity, I hope you will have the balls to come back and apologize when the whole story is told.

I couldn't have said it better my self.
If that's what really happened then I do apologize for what I said in that thread. Although I disagree it was poorly done, the frequent spelling errors, fear of the shift button, and general attitude seemed about right. It seems more likely to me that Rich revoked his forum and contributor status, likely because he abused his powers by moving threads that were unappealing to him and locking them... Not sure what the rules of personal forums are but that seemed the most likely explanation to me when I noticed David no longer had a forum or a red name. Of course, Rich is the only one who can settle this once and for all.
You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.

Pepper that's exactly how I feel also.
For those of you who take great delight in beating David down at every opportunity, I hope you will have the balls to come back and apologize when the whole story is told.

Ya know Wade, I don't know why it is you have a mental difficulty with this...

It's not about basing David. It's about an immature little boy with no concept of responsibility or the tumultuous future that is college life, who gives nothing of benefit to this forum and causes nothing but strife and divisiveness by his trollish behavior.

I for one will not be apologizing. If anything, the fact that someone "could" so convincingly mimic David acting like an impulsive and immature child is an indication of who David really is.

I had the balls to say what a lot of people think when reading every single one of David's "look at me" posts and I won't apologize for speaking the truth. Think what you want, whine and complain all you want that it "isn't fair" and that us "big, bad adults" are harassing him. You don't pay my bills or my forum contributorship, so I'll thank you to not tell me what I should feel sorry for. You don't like it? Block me. Wish I could do the same to the illustrious SnakeMaster. Maybe I can now. Finally, some good from all this nonsense.

Also, David, if I were you I'd get a better password buddy. I've been on the internet since you were in diapers and have never had ONE account hacked... let alone the TWO you claim to have had hacked in a few months time. :nope:
Ya know Wade, I don't know why it is you have a mental difficulty with this...

It's not about basing David. It's about an immature little boy with no concept of responsibility or the tumultuous future that is college life, who gives nothing of benefit to this forum and causes nothing but strife and divisiveness by his trollish behavior.

I for one will not be apologizing. If anything, the fact that someone "could" so convincingly mimic David acting like an impulsive and immature child is an indication of who David really is.

I had the balls to say what a lot of people think when reading every single one of David's "look at me" posts and I won't apologize for speaking the truth. Think what you want, whine and complain all you want that it "isn't fair" and that us "big, bad adults" are harassing him. You don't pay my bills or my forum contributorship, so I'll thank you to not tell me what I should feel sorry for. You don't like it? Block me. Wish I could do the same to the illustrious SnakeMaster. Maybe I can now. Finally, some good from all this nonsense.

Also, David, if I were you I'd get a better password buddy. I've been on the internet since you were in diapers and have never had ONE account hacked... let alone the TWO you claim to have had hacked in a few months time. :nope:

Wonderful post! While I don't agree with Davids arrogance, I will apologize IF in fact it comes out HE did not indeed make that post. I know Rich will delve into it and make the right decision(which I have an idea he already did).