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Davids Boa Thread...or not!!

OH REALLY? Since when WADE?

I don't think anything is new or different Nancy. I know you haven't changed.

Therefore, Lucille, he hasn't come nearly far enough to warrant my patience. Yours, maybe so. Mine, not even close.

That's great Steph. We don't have to like everyone. I just don't see the point of a bunch of "adults" ganging up on a kid. Can anyone tell me why we should do that?
Most of us didn't gang up. What it is, is a social lesson. When a young animal is close to adulthood, adult members of that species, if social, begin to treat it like an adult. That means no longer putting up with stupid behaviours.

The same thing happens in humans. Children, true children, are indulged and gently corrected. As the individual gets older, the corrections become sharper to drive the message home that such behaviour is unacceptable in the social group. David is 16 now. Only two years away from legal adulthood and thus I will treat him like, and expect him to behave like, a rational, thinking individual. If we can let him get behind the wheel of a car, we should be able to expect him to act in a non-childish fashion.

Lately, he has indeed been acting more like the adult he should be becoming. As to this last thread, I honestly don't know and so am mostly reserving judgement. Everyone has a childish lapse from time to time, and those lapses are treated accordingly.

People here would be just as quick to "jump" on me if I suggest that I, who have never owned a boa were getting multiple animals of a relatively cranky species with particular care requirements and told everyone I was going to treat them like I do my corn snakes. And if I insisted that they were wrong and threw a tantrum, they'd come down harder because I'm 27 and should definitely be more mature than *that*.

Now where is that picture of the drama llama...
I just got home from a baby shower and didn't actually expect all this. My point in posting it in the first place was to expose a member of our community for going too far. While people can post what they want about liking or not liking David I am looking for the truth despite his drawbacks. Like I said in my OP David didn't need someones help to make people dislike him. His account was illegally hacked into for pure spite creating drama David can create all on his own and that pisses me off. Of all the ball-less things a man can do this tops the chart- steal an identity, make fraudulent posts, and then hide. How about some accountability from the actual offender this time?

Oh and Wade did I tell you how I love you? Your the man :D
That's great Steph. We don't have to like everyone. I just don't see the point of a bunch of "adults" ganging up on a kid. Can anyone tell me why we should do that?

I agree with you that there's no point in "ganging up" on anyone, kid or otherwise. But it's perfectly acceptable to call a person on his or her bull---- when you see it, kid or otherwise. Where the line between those two things might be is open to some interpretation. I know I've seen what I consider to be the former, and I know I have only participated in what I consider to be the latter. Your opinion of me and my behavior may differ, or it may not.

I really don't completely understand your position on this issue considering I've recently seen you bait tyflier, asking him something along the lines of, "What's the matter, Chris, won't anyone argue with you today?." Why is it ok for you to poke Chris but not ok for others to poke David?

I, personally, don't see why anyone should poke either of them just for the sake of poking (and I see a lot of that for both of them). But I do think it's acceptable to discuss something with someone in a challenging way, and I do think it's acceptable to point out that you think someone is being dishonest and deceptive, or to say that you think someone is doing things in an annoying way, or to say you think someone is being pigheaded and belligerent, or to express all kinds of other opinions and feelings.

And, really, I don't get my panties in a wad too often when I see someone getting personally ganged up on other than to point it out (I don't start antagonizing the aggressors), because, in general, I figure you reap what you sow, kid or otherwise.
Steph, I read that pied thread and I don't get what you're saying about it.
David and I have a friendship and converse. I thought it was odd that he would say the care for corns and boas was almost the same, but I still thought I was talking to David. If I can still see that statement in the realm of possibilities, no matter if it sounded odd, then I can't fault others for the same thing. Looking back? The five big snake thing sounds crazy for David, and his house, but I still bought it.
I CAN fault people for continuing to carry on with the discussion as if it had something to do with David, or he had some control over someone else's mean-spirited dishonesty.
Rich has come to his conlusion and has banned a member for hacking David's account, so really that should be the end of it now............
I agree with you that there's no point in "ganging up" on anyone, kid or otherwise. But it's perfectly acceptable to call a person on his or her bull---- when you see it, kid or otherwise. Where the line between those two things might be is open to some interpretation. I know I've seen what I consider to be the former, and I know I have only participated in what I consider to be the latter. Your opinion of me and my behavior may differ, or it may not.

Absolutely, I agree you should call someone on their bull when you see fit. I make mistakes and people are quick to point them out. I have no problem with that. If I don’t agree with their position I will say so.

I really don't completely understand your position on this issue considering I've recently seen you bait tyflier, asking him something along the lines of, "What's the matter, Chris, won't anyone argue with you today?." Why is it ok for you to poke Chris but not ok for others to poke David?

Chris quoted something I has said the day before and then made a bunch of derogatory comments. I felt he was trying to get me to argue with him. My comment was to that effect. But no matter, I do poke people from time to time and people poke me. No problem. That is different than people who are the first to arrive when David starts a thread and then start picking him apart. Every thing he says is scrutinized. Not many of us could stand up to the microscopic exam all of his threads get.

I, personally, don't see why anyone should poke either of them just for the sake of poking (and I see a lot of that for both of them). But I do think it's acceptable to discuss something with someone in a challenging way, and I do think it's acceptable to point out that you think someone is being dishonest and deceptive, or to say that you think someone is doing things in an annoying way, or to say you think someone is being pigheaded and belligerent, or to express all kinds of other opinions and feelings.

And, really, I don't get my panties in a wad too often when I see someone getting personally ganged up on other than to point it out (I don't start antagonizing the aggressors), because, in general, I figure you reap what you sow, kid or otherwise.

I’m with you all the way. I enjoy a good discussion and a good debate. I enjoy an argument if it can be civil. I really don’t like people who criticize for the fun of criticism and knock you down to make themselves look tall. Those were the people I was mad at today.
Thanks Susie. David may be a butthead, but he's my favorite butthead next to my own butthead of a son. I believed the bogus thread for a minute, but then when I talked to David and reread the thread it made a lot more sense. This is a PUBLIC forum so people can say what they want, but in my mind I had hoped this wouldn't be a David bashing thread. He was innocent THIS time and I'm glad the DB was banned:)
Rich has come to his conlusion and has banned a member for hacking David's account, so really that should be the end of it now............

Since this is the conclusion Rich has come to, I will be the first to apologize to David for my comments in the "Unexpected" thread

Robbie beat me to it.
Rich has come to his conlusion and has banned a member for hacking David's account, so really that should be the end of it now............

If Davids account was truly hacked, then I'm glad the perpetrator was found. That's so uncalled for. I'm really curious as to how this person was able to hack Davids account. I really wonder if this person knew David on a personal level, we all were unaware of.

If this person had other means, then does that mean all of our accounts are at risk?


If you read this thread, I want to say thank you, for doing the best that you could to turn yourself around. I saw good changes in you, and I know more are yet to come.
God willing whenever you return, I hope to still be around (I am a senior you know) and it will be my pleasure to welcome you back.

Grow strong, little one, and come back someday.:)
I've never trusted a single queztacoatl that couldn't correctly spell his own name...Quetzalcoatl.

But there have historically been several (one or two) who I could always trust to neither spell nor punctuate correctly. Threatening types. Adults who indeed had the minds of teenagers.
For the record, David contacted me about his account apparently being hacked. I checked the last several messages supposedly posted by him, and the IP address showed those posts came from and ISP in Kent, Ohio, and not Virginia where David resides. I then checked for matching IP addresses here and got a hit with queztacoatl. I asked him via PM about the IP match, and got a very lame answer in return. I had to go out for a few hours, and when I returned, queztacoatl's account had links removed from the signature area to online interests he was involved in and his profile pic was removed as well. That pretty much clinched it for me. I believe this was to try to cover his tracks to support his PM claim that he didn't know very much about the internet when I asked about the PM matching.

queztacoatl was banned for a year, in the hopes some growing up will take place in that time.

David's account was locked into READ ONLY mode for the duration. After reading about his abuse of the thread moving capability, and the apparent storm that seems to surround him here, I refunded the monies others paid for his contributor membership and personal forum. I am considering banning him for a year as well to give him some grow up time that I think is sorely needed. I really don't think this site needs, nor wants, someone who has such a tendency to be so disruptive with his presence.

As to how the account hijack took place, David sent me a copy of a bogus email he received apparently requesting him to log into his account here at CS after a software upgrade and verify that his account was functioning correctly. This is called "phishing" and is commonly used for PayPal and Ebay accounts. It is my belief and opinion that queztacoatl was behind this email. But I do admit that I am very surprised that someone who would go through all that sort of trouble to hijack someone else's account wouldn't have taken the simple precaution of covering their own IP tracks when logging in and posting as David.

I DO hope I do not see anyone else engaging in this sort of thing on this site in the future.
Thank you very much for clarifying that Rich, I was wondering, as I'm sure others were too, as to whether we should all be worried about our accounts, or whether it was a specifically targeted attack, which is deplorable either way. It seems that if it were through a Phishing e-mail, then all we need to do if we were to get one, is to confer with you as to whether it is genuine or not :)
That makes me very sad that someone here would go to all that trouble to hurt someone. What's the point?