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Davids Boa Thread...or not!!

Honestly i don't think it was him.. although i could be wrong.. but looking back on that thread it SOUNDED like him at first, but whoever posted those things used much better punctuation than i am used to seeing from david.

I could be 100% wrong about that, but i'm just throwing that out there.
Ya know Wade, I don't know why it is you have a mental difficulty with this...

It's not about basing David. It's about an immature little boy with no concept of responsibility or the tumultuous future that is college life, who gives nothing of benefit to this forum and causes nothing but strife and divisiveness by his trollish behavior.

I for one will not be apologizing. If anything, the fact that someone "could" so convincingly mimic David acting like an impulsive and immature child is an indication of who David really is.

I had the balls to say what a lot of people think when reading every single one of David's "look at me" posts and I won't apologize for speaking the truth. Think what you want, whine and complain all you want that it "isn't fair" and that us "big, bad adults" are harassing him. You don't pay my bills or my forum contributorship, so I'll thank you to not tell me what I should feel sorry for. You don't like it? Block me. Wish I could do the same to the illustrious SnakeMaster. Maybe I can now. Finally, some good from all this nonsense.

Also, David, if I were you I'd get a better password buddy. I've been on the internet since you were in diapers and have never had ONE account hacked... let alone the TWO you claim to have had hacked in a few months time.:nope:
Amen, sister. I've had one account "phished" when I was like 8 and on freaking Habbo Hotel, because I stupidly GAVE my password away. Numbers or numbers and letters are your best bet. Get some symbols in there too, if you can. And for god's sakes, try not to throw too many tantrums online. It's one of the few places in life where, if you don't want to talk to someone for any reason, escape is just a power button away :)
Amen, sister. I've had one account "phished" when I was like 8 and on freaking Habbo Hotel, because I stupidly GAVE my password away. Numbers or numbers and letters are your best bet. Get some symbols in there too, if you can. And for god's sakes, try not to throw too many tantrums online. It's one of the few places in life where, if you don't want to talk to someone for any reason, escape is just a power button away :)

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.

Did you say you were only 18? You sound much more mature then some who claim to be MUCH older then you are. KEEP IT UP GIRL!!!!!
David also hit me up on FB, and asked for me to come here and explain on behalf of him. I was reluctant to do so, because I couldn't view the thread in question, and didn't think that I should get involved in the matter. I don't really need a play by play, but I am curious as to what caused such a ban, and whether or not David was in fact involved.

I don't think that it's fair to even throw "If's" into the equation, because "If's" can still sound hurtful, and this might be completely undeserved. On that same token, it's not really fair to assume, accuse, or even mention another member as a possible hacker, because for all we know, that person is completely innocent. I'll hold my opinions until the truth comes out, and even then, I'm not sure I'll have a desire to jump down anyone's throat over it.
Ya know Wade, I don't know why it is you have a mental difficulty with this...

It's not about basing David. It's about an immature little boy with no concept of responsibility or the tumultuous future that is college life, who gives nothing of benefit to this forum and causes nothing but strife and divisiveness by his trollish behavior.

I for one will not be apologizing. If anything, the fact that someone "could" so convincingly mimic David acting like an impulsive and immature child is an indication of who David really is.

I had the balls to say what a lot of people think when reading every single one of David's "look at me" posts and I won't apologize for speaking the truth. Think what you want, whine and complain all you want that it "isn't fair" and that us "big, bad adults" are harassing him. You don't pay my bills or my forum contributorship, so I'll thank you to not tell me what I should feel sorry for. You don't like it? Block me. Wish I could do the same to the illustrious SnakeMaster. Maybe I can now. Finally, some good from all this nonsense.

Also, David, if I were you I'd get a better password buddy. I've been on the internet since you were in diapers and have never had ONE account hacked... let alone the TWO you claim to have had hacked in a few months time. :nope:

Hi Lauren, so nice of you to acknowledge my comments. I do hope when I said that I hoped people would have enough balls to apologize, I wasn’t talking to you specifically.

I understand that you are only thinking about the welfare of the animals in David’s care and you have no personal hatred for him or young men in general.

I also understand how important it is to you that every thread make a contribution to the future of cornsnakes around the world. I can see how his threads would seem trollish to someone with as critical of an eye as yours.

Please forgive me if you felt I was telling you how to feel. That was not my intention and I fully understand that you pay the bills for your membership here and are entitled to feel picked on an threatened by anyone you chose. I would never presume to tell you how to feel.

I would suppose you must be paying David’s bill or have some kind of inside information since you feel it is your place to tell him what to do and how to act.
Wow, even a thread *about* him starts drama.

The thread sounded just like David to me. I remember when he first came on here, and that was a blast to the past so to speak. If it was indeed a hack, they did a pretty good imitation of the "old" David.

I guess this can be a learning opportunity. If it is indeed a hack, I'm sorry David that that happened to your account and that someone dredged up your past so accurately.
Hacked or not, my own personal opinion I stand by is that too many times, this is the drama that seems to follow David around and festers itself on CS.com. If indeed he was hacked, and it can be proven, then sure Wade, I have the cahonies to apologize for what I posted. But for nothing else.
But lots of good points have been brought about about David's willingness to accept advice given or criticisms about over ambition. Since David got his personal forum, I've seen a number of times when he doesn't like what someone says, that he will move the thread and lock it. Have also seen him edit his own original posts after people have responded to them. I have gone on other forums and seen how David posts in them, and there just seems to be this attitude with David that he knows so much more than others that I find a bit grating at times. Maybe it's time for David to sit an reflect about all of this.
"old" David

The lil twerp was pretty annoying. But he has in my opinion really tried to be a better person here. I don't think I could have turned myself around as much as he has when I was his age.
He's not perfect. But then, I'm not perfect.
He's changed quite a bit in a few months, and I have every reason to believe he will keep that up.

I just think that if people have what it takes to admit their faults, to try to do better, then maybe a bit of patience is warranted even if they are still a bit of a pill now and then.

There's a recognition above that there was an 'old' David.

Twerp, you've come a long way, baby.
Hey I’m good with that. David annoys me from time to time. I just don’t feel like I need to follow him around and point out every mistake he makes. I don’t read the posts of people that annoy me. There are people here who are always talking about stuff that doesn’t interest me, I skip those threads. I don’t make a point of telling them I’m not interested and I don’t like what you say every time they come on line.
Hey I’m good with that. David annoys me from time to time. I just don’t feel like I need to follow him around and point out every mistake he makes. I don’t read the posts of people that annoy me. There are people here who are always talking about stuff that doesn’t interest me, I skip those threads. I don’t make a point of telling them I’m not interested and I don’t like what you say every time they come on line.

OH REALLY? Since when WADE?
I haven't been here long enough to know the "old" David, but to me the thread seemed very odd and not like him. At least not like the David I know... the "new" one. Maybe a little sign that he *has* changed for the better? And is maybe even still working at it?
I don't always agree with him, and I do believe that he tends to get carried away by his enthousiasm, but since I joined last year, I have never seen such extreme ignorance in him.
Anyway, even if he was as bad as some of you choose to believe, that still doesn't excuse an identity theft !!
WOW? What did I miss? From what little information I can gather, David either is in trouble, caused trouble or is the victim of trouble? His forum is missing, his coins are missing and/or he may be missing? The question remaining is whether it's his fault or not?!?!

I apologize for my ignorance but, can someone please enlighten me?

I think it says a lot that David is not here crying "martyr". He's letting the issue go through the proper channels. David has come a long way.
@medusacoils, if you go to David's profile, you can go to his statistics, find all threads created by him, and it's called something like "NEW unexpected snakes", or something of the like.

I haven't known David, or anyone else on this forum for that matter, long enough to have judgement. However, from what I've seen since I've been here, it seems very unlike him. He doesn't seem like the type of person to post something as ridiculous as what was posted. It's obvious even to me, a beginner in snakes and reptiles, that RTBs have different care needs than corns. Someone like him, who has multiple snakes, should know that as well.
Hacked or not, my own personal opinion I stand by is that too many times, this is the drama that seems to follow David around and festers itself on CS.com. If indeed he was hacked, and it can be proven, then sure Wade, I have the cahonies to apologize for what I posted. But for nothing else.
But lots of good points have been brought about about David's willingness to accept advice given or criticisms about over ambition. Since David got his personal forum, I've seen a number of times when he doesn't like what someone says, that he will move the thread and lock it. Have also seen him edit his own original posts after people have responded to them. I have gone on other forums and seen how David posts in them, and there just seems to be this attitude with David that he knows so much more than others that I find a bit grating at times. Maybe it's time for David to sit an reflect about all of this.
And because of this I feel 50% responsible for some of todays war....
Luckily I had miss placed my shovel so I was unable to dig a hole....
I probably would of if I hadn't made a statement, saying I won't answer anymore threads...
I remember at the start that someone said what the hell are you doing up and the reply that he was talking to a big boa breeder... And remembering he was buying racks that are gonna set him back $1000 and thinking he had been at the wine cellar....
And the Malagasy HN.... And wondering what the hell was going on as David has mentioned space.....
There was so much ammunition lying around....
I got scared........ I'll tell you....

Hey I’m good with that. David annoys me from time to time. I just don’t feel like I need to follow him around and point out every mistake he makes. I don’t read the posts of people that annoy me. There are people here who are always talking about stuff that doesn’t interest me, I skip those threads. I don’t make a point of telling them I’m not interested and I don’t like what you say every time they come on line.
I try not to post on Davids threads.... I reads them all but I try not to get involved....
But if you say something that David doesn't want to hear he gets .......
Wellll....... I'm not labelling.... *Stops now before I find that shovel*.....
@medusacoils, if you go to David's profile, you can go to his statistics, find all threads created by him, and it's called something like "NEW unexpected snakes", or something of the like.

I haven't known David, or anyone else on this forum for that matter, long enough to have judgement. However, from what I've seen since I've been here, it seems very unlike him. He doesn't seem like the type of person to post something as ridiculous as what was posted. It's obvious even to me, a beginner in snakes and reptiles, that RTBs have different care needs than corns. Someone like him, who has multiple snakes, should know that as well.

Thanks for the info. I'm curious because I both like and dislike the kid at the same time. He is young and full of wizz(sp?) and vinegar. It isn't inconceivable that he did this, but it would be out of his character as of late. The old David, now that's a different story.

Will check it out, thanks!

. . . Have also seen him edit his own original posts after people have responded to them . . .

This happened in the last couple of days. The pied thread was totally and completely disingenuous. I read the thread (rather than ignoring it, as it annoyed me, and that's what Wade suggests we should all do with the threads of posters who annoy us) because I was actually interested in the topic and I don't have the books that David has in possession to answer the question he eventually claimed was the purpose of the thread. I learned something from the thread, and I appreciated the opportunity to learn it (without buying books--I'm too cheap) but was flabbergasted that anyone could read it and think for a second that David was being at all truthful about his interests in the thread.

. . . then maybe a bit of patience is warranted even if they are still a bit of a pill now and then . . . Twerp, you've come a long way, baby.

Therefore, Lucille, he hasn't come nearly far enough to warrant my patience. Yours, maybe so. Mine, not even close.