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Emergency king snake help needed!!


New member
I am really freaking out right now I just found my new king in her water dish, in a knot, and drowning for no reason. I just happened to check on her and see a full shed hanging over the water dish and her nose under lifeless all twistd up. I pulled her out, dried her off especially around her nose, and she is now moving around like nothing happened even musking me which is a first for me btw. The water dish was no more than an inch deep and 4 inches long is this normal? Should I take her to the vet I'm sure theres water in her lung and I have no clue how long she was under? I don't want her to pass overnight:(
Hey danielle, I'm sorry that you are going through this. Especially now! I would say that what you found, is as you described it. A snake, caught up in itself, in the middle of a shed. Sounds weird, but I am sure it can and probably has happened. I know that you have mentioned that she is more active now and that may be just it. At least that is what I am hoping. Maybe you averted a catastrophe, by finding her?!?!

I bet it would be hard to determine if she has water in her lungs. The question would be, "Can that affect her that quickly?" Maybe you should watch her for a while and see what she does. If things seem "normal" then maybe a checkup in the near future is needed. I'm not sure if an emergency visit is necessary. Maybe if she starts sneezing or if she starts laboring to breath? I'm also wondering if you should take her water dish out for the night?

Take it easy, keep us posted.

Water dish is gone and has been replaced with a very small small shallow cup. The thing is the shed was off of her and hanging over the bowl. Her eyes were blueish green when I pulled her out and now there dark again but she was completely twisted up and nose under. If I hadn't of looked my heart would be broken now I can't believe I even found her like that. She is tail rattling in the corner but I almost want to take her out and make her exercise which at least in humans helps if theres residual water in the lungs, but I'm not sure if its the same with snakes. My vets office is closed and I cn't find a 24 hr. herp vet in my area:( I just want her to be okay:(
I know and my heart is aching for you right now! I'm sorry I can't be of more help for you right now. I just don't know a whole lot about this particular circumstance.

Just a thought, I know Kathy L, is always eager and happy to help out. She posts her number on her website. I'm not sure if she is up right. Maybe?!?!

Just a thought!

I want to scream why can't it be the daytime when I can bug people,lol Well shes tail rattling, musking, and now lunging at me when I bug her, but I can't find anything on the net about dry drowning in snakes. As a matter of fact everything I've read says they don't drown, but its obvious they can:(
Well you know Murphy's Law! I will keep you in my thoughts for the night. I will check on you in the morning and expect good news!

Happy New Year Danielle.

Happy new years to you and Christine too what a way to ring in the new year. I got this snake at 10:30 this morning and am already attached so she better be a healthy camper tomorrow.
Danielle I wish you and your little king all the best...and will also be checking in to see that she is ok in the am. Happy New Year!
Thats why your the best Wade,lol I think everyone should have your sense of humor I needed the laugh:)
Very strange!

I can't say I have seen anything quite like that. I have seen some snakes become very lethargic BEFORE shedding, but not after. Maybe it had some kind of seizure? I can't think of what else would cause it, but I am not a vet.

I have heard of people getting aspirational pneumonia after a near drowning event. I would guess it might be possible for any animal with lungs, though I never heard of it in a snake. If I had come upon the snake, I would have held it upside down for a couple of minutes or more, trying to drain as much water as possible. And maybe do it a couple of more times over the first hour or so. Then I would remove the water as you did, and probably keep the very small bowl for quite a while, in case there is a repeat performance. I would probably offer a hotter than usual hot spot (with a place to escape the heat, of course). And of course, anything you can think of to reduce stress, as well.

If you know a herp vet who will talk to you on the phone during the day, I would ask about the possibility of any aspirational infection, or any other possible complication. A vet can't really diagnose over the phone, so they usually err on the side of caution and say to bring it in. The key question is to ask what they will do, other than just examine the snake. If they just want to examine and don't plan to do anything unless needed, and it seems that they are just being overly cautious, you may not need to go in. But if the vet seems to think that complications are likely enough to warrant preventative antibiotics, or some other treatment as a precaution, then maybe it is worth going for the treatment.

Even though I have not had great results myself in using herp vets, I would never discourage anyone from going in if it helps your peace of mind. Only you can make that decision after talking with a qualified herp vet on the phone.

I am sorry I can't give you better advice, based on experience. But I have not had to go through that particular experience - so far.

Please update us as I am always interested in hearing about various problems and their resolution.

Good luck!
Kathy, Thanks for weighing in I just talked to my vet who said the same things,lol He asked if the snake could have had a seizure, but I have no clue because I didn't see this happen and theres no way for him to test and see if this happened like in humans. I'm going to watch for signs of an RI, but she's active and pissy this morning which is good.

The way she knotted her body up made him think a seizure was possible, but this morning she tied herself in knots when I went to catch her, and was in knots in her deli when I got her. I'm thinking this is her response to stress and am moving her cage to a quieter spot, keeping the temps on one side at 90, and leaving her be for a few days. The only thing I can think of is the dogs or kids spooked her at the end of her shed when she was in the water and she knotted herself up to feel safe...I hope for no more repeat performances but she has a very shallow water bowl right now just in case:)
Jesus, D, that must have happened shortly after we spoke? That would have scared the crap outta me! Glad to hear that she's acting fine today. Keep us posted on her.
It did Lori I had put my son to bed and made yummy toasted croissants (sp) with nutella for my daughter and I, ate, and checked in on the new one. It was so scary, but she's higher up now where I hope she can't feel the vibration from the kids and dogs going by to reduce stress. The vet sees no reason for meds yet because she's so tiny and he doesn't want to sedate her to xray her lungs anyway. The fact that she's still here and active makes him think I got her just in time and water in her lung must be small or nonexistent. Fingers crossed, but I think she'll be okay:)
Putting him in a quieter spot will probably help. I had my adult king in the living room and I never saw him. I moved him to the bedroom and now he's out all the time. I'm glad to hear that he's doing well.