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Emergency king snake help needed!!

I think you've got it Danielle. I hope this is finished for you. Eating is always a good sign.
I'm so glad to hear this update, D. It's also wonderful to hear that you hold no blame toward the breeder...if I hadn't seen the way my own shipment was delivered to me that was sent from Daytona, I wouldn't believe how carelessly the delivery people handle a box labeled "live animals." I happened to be out in the yard when my dummerils was delivered, and the guy literally was tossing the box around like a globetrotter with a basketball. I shouted at him to stop because there was a snake in the box, which caused him to then practically rocket the box at me and run off like a little girl. Idiot.

Glad to hear that he's eating. That's always a good sign. I hope you have no further incidents with the wee lass!
I really wish I had seen this thread at the beginning instead of the end as I might have been able to ease your mind a bit. I have found my snakes, both kings and corns, completely submerged in their water bowls for extended periods of time (hours), sometimes all knotted up, sometimes just in a normal coiled position, I've seen it before a shed and after a shed. It's just something they want to do. I'm sure they come up for air when they need to, but duck back down when I come close as if they are trying to hide from me. I just let them enjoy their bath unless it's dinner time and I need to clean their tub, weigh them and feed them. And 9 times out of 10, they're right back in the water dish, whether they ate their dinner or not, and have a look that screams "Will you just leave me alone!"
Good to know now Susan,lol but I'm glad I got a vet check anyway it never hurts. So should I give her a normal water bowl? She was limp the first time I found her and in knots. Her eyes and top of head had even changed to a blueish green color and she didn't move until I untied her and rubbed her a bit. Maybe I answered my own question I'll keep it shallow and small until she is bigger, but I'm glad someone else has seen this:)
I'll let you do it as much as you talk about it I am thinking you have a lot of experience with this:D
It's always better safe than sorry. I must have missed the part about her color change and being limp at first. All that my brain cell registered was that she was normal and even musking when you took her out...typical of a snake that was just enjoying a bath.