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Emergency king snake help needed!!

Wow! That is the craziest thing I've ever seen. I'm thinking Kathy hit the nail on the head with thinking maybe a neurological issue. Let us know what the vet decides tomorrow. I'm really interested in what they have to say. I sure hope it's some thing simple that can be remedied fast.
Yes I looked over her with a loupe and she's clean just trying to commit suicide apparently and I'm a little freaked right now.
((((Danielle)))) I'd be freaked, too. And I just saw that I missed your call. Sorry, my phone was dead. Need to chat?
That is very, very strange. Well, snakes can survive by being hand-watered. That's what thet guy on YouTube does, VenomKeeper. (Yeah, that sounds encouraging, doesn't it...) I guess I'd keep an eye out to make sure she's pooping. My FK likes to go in his water bowl. Like nearly every time.
I'm at my neighbors now drinking morer wine,lol but yes her water bowl is gone and will be until tomorrow when she is seen. I have afeeling the vet is going to tell me to use an even smaller bowl since anything neurological can't be worked with:(
Danielle, that is just too weird to understand. I have never seen anything like that. I have no explaination.

Wine is fine, tequila is better.
Ohhh Danielle I am so sorry to see this, I was so hoping things were going to be ok with here. I honestly, don't know what to tell you except that my prayers go out to you and that I understand your worry and attachment, I am the same way with my babies.
Keeps getting stranger! If you have the time, maybe you can just soak her once per day for a 15 - 30 minutes while you are doing something that allows you to supervise - surfing the Web, watching TV, talking on the phone, etc. Then you can rescue her if needed, and can remove the water the rest of the time, at least until the vet can give you some better idea of what to do.
Wow, Danielle. I've never EVER heard of this kind of thing and hope that she stops her suicide rampage for you. I think what others said about having her in a more quiet spot might help. I know you're also a pretty concientious person, but it wouldn't hurt to check the temps again and be sure that they're in the right range.

Whatever it is, she's WAY to pretty to be doing this... and I'm crossing my fingers for you and her.

Please do keep us up to date...
It is now almost 3 am my time and I am still watching her. I called my vets emergency line and talked to him again so she will be seen tomorrow and hopefully we'll have a better idea of why this is happening. Her warm side is 85 and cool side in the 70's right now so I think her temps are fine. I emailed my vet a pic of her set-up and he sees no issues with things at all. Honestly I have had many animals shipped to me in these temps so I can't blame them either and other than that I really have no clue what else to do:(
I'm so sorry, Danielle. I DO know how it is to be worried SICK over our little ones. I'll continue hoping for the very best and will have you and your little king in my thoughts throughout the night.
Will soaking once a day for 20 minutes provide her with enough water? If so I am more than willing to take that on I will mention that to my vet and get his opinion...he's a herp vet that owns snakes himself and he has never heard of this from a snake. How would I know if she is in pain though or unhappy? She's active right now and seems normal to me.
I was thinking about the "water once a day" thing and think I'd do that if this were happening to me... but I'm no expert... so what I think/say has no merit whatsoever.

Definitely something I'd be talking to the vet about.
I doubt that most corns in the wild get the opportunity to drink more often than once per day. Maybe they lap some dew if it is heavy enough and they are thirsty. But most probably are not lucky enough to have water available any time they want it. Once per day should work fine for at least a temporary solution. Hopefully your vet will have a better long term solution for you.

You could always provide a shallow jar lid (like from peanut butter, etc) full of water in addition, if you feel better that way. She would really have to work at it to drown in that. But I would wait to see if the vet can illuminate any causes and solutions, first.
We are back and I have a crashing headache from too much vino, but he sees NOTHING wrong with her other than the fact those pics show she can't be trusted with a water source. She slithers normal, reacts to noise and light looking in the right direction, fights when being held...all normal hatchling stuff. No mites or stuck shed and "seems" apparently healthy. We will be keeping an eye on her and leaving a very very small water source in which she can't submerge herself in indefinitely.

The temps she was shipped in apparently were not cold enough to cause damage and the box wasn't crushed so we doubt there was damage to her in transit. He does however think she has a seizure disorder we just haven't seen it happen so that can't be confirmed either. $75 bucks later and no answers, but no real bad news either.
Well it's good to hear it's nothing major. Maybe this will sort of disappear as she ages.

Just an idea for a water solution--I'm wondering if a bottle like a rat/hamster water bottle would work? Snakes suck up water and there is always water around the little balls at the end of the spout. Even if she began to drink around it, most likely her nose would move it enough for more water to seep around the ball. Those things constantly leak. So if you could set one up low towards the cage bottom and put a jar lid under it, that would work? I know, crazy idea! :crazy01: