I have to agree, I generally do not answer them if they ask (did it hurt) because I have answerd that question SO many times, get it done at a piercing shop, IT HURTS! do it yourself, YOU DONT FEEL A THING!
I think that generally only applys to tunnels though, most piercings I would go to a piercer to get done, I just cant wait to get my cheek done, it's hard for me to get the piercings I want because they all cost £££, and generally if i get £££ it's spent on the snakes, however, my snakes have everything they need now, full set-ups and a nice supplier of mice, so I can focuss on the piercings I really want,
I have a massive list! My cheek though, has to be the piercing I'm most looking forward too, as from my research, nearly everyone who has had it pierced says the feeling is amazing, it's not pain, its a tickly feeling that sends shivers down your spine, it did when I had my lip done, only last like a few hours, but its amazing!! I have heard you get a similer feeling when you get your tongue done, although most people say it does not hurt, they generally say its hard to talk for a few days :/ one of the reasons, I cant get it done, I'm a sales assistant :/