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"Forget the Snakes! What do YOU look like?"

Jennifer love the pic, where at in TX? Hubby was born/raised Ft. Worth boy, we met in Dallas back in late 90's. I'm from Bama. :D
Jennifer love the pic, where at in TX? Hubby was born/raised Ft. Worth boy, we met in Dallas back in late 90's. I'm from Bama. :D

Arlington...between Dallas and Fort Worth. But the pic was taken in San Francisco.

I've lived here all my life, but my husband was raised in Florida (Panama City area).
Oh yes we know Arlington real well!! I miss 'Grandy's' & 'Crackerbarrel' OH & 'The Old San Francisco' was our spot!! YUMMY!
I lived in Grand Prairie...:)
Arlington...between Dallas and Fort Worth. But the pic was taken in San Francisco.

I've lived here all my life, but my husband was raised in Florida (Panama City area).
I lived in Grapevine for 5 years. Worked in Ft Worth (south of the airport tip).
thanx Tom, I could not think of his first name Randy Quaid and Richard Driyfuss all wraped into one dude you go DEAN.

xXMetalsAngelXx WOW aint you a HOTTIE . BTW nice rack you got there.

LoL well aren't you the perv hahahahaha

As for the Tat well which one?? haha I got 10. The one of my on the bus with my buddy Jon is a killer whale and calf, soon to be a half sleeve, and the one on my other arm is the auryon from the never ending story, also to be a half sleeve one day. Gotta finish my upper back tho before the half sleeves can be finished
That I would add to this.....fun fun right?

First pic.....I always have to throw up the horns haha

Second pic is my Buddy Jon and I enjoying the new plasma screen on thier brand new spanking tour bus WOO HOO!!!

Third is what a surprise me throwing the horns again.

What more can u exspect from a tatted metalhead girl??

Hey! I know that chick!! :dancer:
Okies....Picture post. I really do not liek too but I have to admitt I made some cool pics.


And yea I am wearing a shirt. Its a tube top.

Messing with makeup...

Don't ask...


Kay...thats like the best I have.....*Hides*

you are gorgeous!
Jessica what is a blotter? I had a tongue ring yrs ago & hubby made me get rid of it. Apparently he hated it. :shrugs:'
I loved it! :eek1:

Perhaps this is better left for a PM, but a blotter is a small square piece of absorbent paper containing LSD. Just seemed to go with the caption.. :shrugs::devil01:

PS: I broke up with someone in high school party due to his tongue ring. Yea I have piercings of my own, but i dunno, tongue piercings are just a "different" kind of piercing I guess..
There were other reasons for the break as well, but they are not really "family forum friendly". I guess I"ve already broken that rule, but I don't want to make things worse!
Nice pic Roy : )

Lip does not hurt one bit, eyebrow hurt more,

Especially when you get your shirt caught on it! :bang: Seems to happen to me quite too often. George, I like your plugs! I'm not sure how the measuring system works in the UK vs US, but mine are at a "Zero". Next step up is Double Zero. That's the largest I've gone, but I think I'll keep it at a zero for now. The step before that is a "2". I'll try to get some pictures of my plugs for ya today.

Oh, and when people ask me if "those" hurt (which happens quite a lot), I'm kind of a smart ass about it, and say something like, "What my face? Does your face hurt?"
Nanci, my husband got his nipples pierced back in 2000 right when we started dating...he kept them in up until earlier this year. He left them in longer than I would have liked, but his explanation was that it hurt so bad to get them done that he felt he owed it to himself to keep them in for as long as possible. I won't pretend to understand. :shrugs:

I have a few tattoos, one on my neck...hip, etc, and I went through the piercing everything stage when I was in HS.....by far the nipple was the worst. It hurt more then any of my tattoos......but I had it done twice go figure.
I have a few tattoos, one on my neck...hip, etc, and I went through the piercing everything stage when I was in HS.....by far the nipple was the worst. It hurt more then any of my tattoos......but I had it done twice go figure.

My tattoo didn't hurt at all. It was irritating...like scratching a sunburn...but not the least bit painful. I've thought about getting one on the top of my foot. I know it will be much more sensitive than my lower back (left side, not the middle...I refused to get a tramp stamp). My ear piercings didn't hurt either (two in each ear), even when the dumb Claire's Boutique chick screwed up four times. :rolleyes:

But to even consider piercing my nipples, cartilage, lips, or eyebrows??? No thanks! :sidestep:
I have to agree, I generally do not answer them if they ask (did it hurt) because I have answerd that question SO many times, get it done at a piercing shop, IT HURTS! do it yourself, YOU DONT FEEL A THING!

I think that generally only applys to tunnels though, most piercings I would go to a piercer to get done, I just cant wait to get my cheek done, it's hard for me to get the piercings I want because they all cost £££, and generally if i get £££ it's spent on the snakes, however, my snakes have everything they need now, full set-ups and a nice supplier of mice, so I can focuss on the piercings I really want,

I have a massive list! My cheek though, has to be the piercing I'm most looking forward too, as from my research, nearly everyone who has had it pierced says the feeling is amazing, it's not pain, its a tickly feeling that sends shivers down your spine, it did when I had my lip done, only last like a few hours, but its amazing!! I have heard you get a similer feeling when you get your tongue done, although most people say it does not hurt, they generally say its hard to talk for a few days :/ one of the reasons, I cant get it done, I'm a sales assistant :/
.....by far the nipple was the worst. It hurt more then any of my tattoos......but I had it done twice go figure.

Of course this question BEGS to be asked: one nipple, twice pierced? Two nipples, twice? Your statement is vague, and the thing about that particular part of the anatomy, of course, is the matched set.

Not being a perv here, just looking for precision in language. (That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.) :grin01:


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I didnt think that I was going to be doing this but I figured I would.