Emily, that is the spitting image of my 2000 Ram2500 except mine has aluminum wheels. I have come close to trading it in for a new one a couple times but have backed out. Nice truck.Nope, it's mine lol Currently parked in the garagebut yea it's mine...and heres my other baby...aka my "beast"
David, is that YOUR snake??? When did she get that big???
Katherine, what a terrible thing to say to Wendy. I'm surprised at you.
Love the name of your RO
Sweet ride, Emily! I have to say that due to my being a total scaredy pants, I definitely like the truck better.
Emily, that is the spitting image of my 2000 Ram2500 except mine has aluminum wheels. I have come close to trading it in for a new one a couple times but have backed out. Nice truck.
Eh, it aint so scary...once you get past the fact you could die if you hit a rock wrong going 90 mph:rofl: Just kidding, I'm a safe rider, only been down once and that was when I went around a corner and hit a pothole full of gravelMy knee acted as a kickstand though, sweet scar lol
Thanks! I love my beast, It needs some work though, the person who had it before me didn't really take care of it as they should have, and there are a few dentsBut I love it! :santa:
The puppies are so freaking cute! How big are they now?
Here are some shots of me from the Wickerman Festival
and yes I am sunburnt!