Here's a couple of pics of me and my husband. Neat lil thread. This way we can't put faces with all those cute lil avatars!
A lady that can carry a gun and shoot a deer?! :cheers:
Nice pics Tiffany! I was thinking "hey that big white snake looks really familiar!"
My cat chewed my camera cable so I'll upload some more tomorrow.
Okay now I have a craving for crawfish. I think I know what I'll be doing this weekend. Boil time!
A lady that can carry a gun and shoot a deer?! :cheers:
I'll second that motion, A pretty lady that can carry a gun and shoot a deer!!:cheers::cheers:
That one pic of Jason in the living room with the white snake is actually a pissy lucy rat snake! lol Not ur Moby.
That is one bad kitty you got lmao.
hummm crawfish does sound awfully good..........
What can I say, I was raised in the good ole mountains of NC. I'm a tomboy at heart!
Geez, my cat is terrible. I swear if he was not so darn cute, I would have fed him to a python ages ago.
You know speaking of crawfish boils, if you guys do the october show in charlotte you are more than welcome to crash at my place to save money and gas. Also that would be perfect excuse to boil a big pot of crawfish.
Yay! Believe it or not, there are plenty of us around. I head over to Montana each Fall and get me some nice Mulies, White tails and the occasional elk. Won the drawing on a bull elk tag year before last but we never able to fill it, stupid work got in the way![]()
Glad to see some other hunters on here, I hunt white tail, hog, and gator every chance I can.
We went to Fl for the first time last year (with CrousesCorns). That was quite an experience. I loved it. I can't even imagine gator hunting!! I suppose you hunt at night??? How does that work. What's the bag limit on gators?
Do you use dogs when you hunt hogs. I've never been but I've watched plenty of shows where they use dogs to hunt them. What an adrenaline rush I bet that is!!!!:eek1:
Florida is quite strict when it comes too gator hunts, it's a lottery system and if drawn you can bag two gators over 4ft in your assigned area. It's expensive expecially for out of state residents, but completely worth it. I've been hunting them since I was real little and there's nothing better.
We typically hunt hogs with dogs but I prefer to be alittle more hands on. I'll run the boat right on top of 'em then jump off and hog tie them, it's a rush and a great way to spend a Saturday night.
OMG that sounds like so much fun!!! I think I'd like the hog hunting better than the gator. I've went raccoon hunting with coon dogs before, but that sounds like even more fun. Is there a certain breed people use for hogs?
For the most part your thicker more agressive breeds like pits for catch dogs and taller faster dogs like walkers for bay dogs, since we use airboats we only need catch dogs. We've always used pits for the most part but my next days will be a breeding pair of Catahoulas, a great breed and highly recommended for anything from hunting dogs to just a good dog to have around kids and the yard. P