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"Forget the Snakes! What do YOU look like?"

So you pay to have somebody else kill your meat and that some how makes it ok for you. That makes a lot of sense.

i can respect that u dont enjoy or partake in hunting but i do have to agree with Wade on this one...lol...:sidestep:
I can understand moving this to PM's due to it being off topic and you not agreeing with hunting but to call it a "love to kill" is incredibly disrespectful and distasteful. Hunting is my heritage, my passion, and in a way my current livelihood, I do not do it out of love to kill, I do it because I prefer to provide my own meat, my love for the woods, being around animals and mostly for the conservation aspect. Hunters are Florida's main user of public lands and provide the 2nd largest, next to fishing, amount of revenue in recreational activities; being the largest force in the woods, we are the first line of defense against those who wish to rid public lands, disease, and invasive species. Please do not disrespect my passion simply because you don't fully understand it.

On another note, lets see some more pictures! I'll have mine uploaded in a few minutes.
As promised...
Me at the lake the other day
Thanks man, it was a slow day as they're coming off the beds now but way better than staying at the house.
You might want to talk about hunting in PM, mostly because it's make me feel sick that some people love to kill animals (or stress them for their own fun). Yes, I do eat meat, but I don't like killing animals, sorry). Further, it's off topic :)

You might want to look into how the animals that you get your meat from in the grocery store are treated. If you wanna talk about stressing animals then don't look to the hunters. Hunters take the life of an animal that has lived a healthy, free life in the wild, where as factory-farmers keep their livestock in small unhygenic pens with little room for the animal to move. On top of that a lot of livestock have been bred to produce the most meat in the least amount of time and develop terrible bone diseases. Cattle, chickens and basically every other domesticated species (in the US) are fed corn which totally messes up their digestive systems. They suffer from the day they are born til the day they are killed.

Without hunters, elk, deer, and other game would overpopulate the woods as well as suburban areas, they would contract diseases, feed on trash, ingest pesticides and cause many more traffic accidents than they already do. In addition to that the ecosystem, which is already totally messed up, would become even more messed up as many game animals feed on aspen and other poplar trees vital to the health of ecosystems in North America.

So before you decide to judge hunters for their "love to kill," take a second to think about the impact your meat eating habits have on the animals you eat and the ecosystems they have replaced.
Thats a nice bass butch...even for an off day:cheers:....i can wait till i get a day off to go get my fish on...im not a hunter.....but man do i luv fishing!!!!

That was my first day on the water this year, about to be out there every weekend once I get around to getting the airboat a tune up. We were out on lake rosalie, it was hot and choppy but a great day none the less.
That was my first day on the water this year, about to be out there every weekend once I get around to getting the airboat a tune up. We were out on lake rosalie, it was hot and choppy but a great day none the less.

Nice blk bass. ... Isnt Rosalie on the way to Kissamee(?)/Tahoe chain(south end of Kissamee(?)) or am I thinking of a different Rosalie. I use to fish with the Pond jumper and Pinellas Bass masters(Before they went down to like 10 members). We fished a lot of small lakes in that area.
Nice blk bass. ... Isnt Rosalie on the way to Kissamee(?)/Tahoe chain(south end of Kissamee(?)) or am I thinking of a different Rosalie. I use to fish with the Pond jumper and Pinellas Bass masters(Before they went down to like 10 members). We fished a lot of small lakes in that area.

That's the one, Im always up and down the Kiss chain usually on the marsh, one of my favorite places to be.
Thanks. I go to Norway every summer to fish. I mostly get brown trout, sea trout, massive pike, and plump perch. I also like fishing for cod and mackerel in the fjords. Great country, great fish!
I just went Rainbow Trout fishing this past Saturday... Found a small garter snake that someone had killed a long time ago, poor little guy.
The rivers have been SO high around here, so I've been waiting to get my license. But it seems that they're finally starting to settle back down, so hopefully I'll be going out in the next couple of weeks. Can't wait!!! I went fishing a lot last year, and had quite a bit of success. I never got any photos, though, so this year I'm going to make sure to bring a camera.