they told me they thaw their mice out in hot water,but not almost boiling hot that is what gets this guy to eat.which is why he wouldn't eat for them..he is very heat sensitive-I thaw out his mouse on the counter until it is almost totally thawed,then let it thaw fully in almost boiling water for a couple of minutes..I have to make sure before I dangle his mouse on the tongs in front of him that it is almost hot to the touch or he won't strike it,if it's just warm I have to dip it back in very hot water & a quick pat dry then he'll hit it everytime. Actually,the almost boiling water was a tip from MegF.(for which I am forever grateful). The friends I have at that store were happy to learn it was just a heat issue & have used it on others & tried to pass it through to corporate,but that's the problem with big chain stores-the high ups will barely ever have contact with the average everyday worker.